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EWRC 2016 – Cohesion policy at work: past and future

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1 EWRC 2016 – Cohesion policy at work: past and future
Casting a glance at the Eurostat regional yearbook 2016 By Åsa Önnerfors and Oliver Müller


3 Europe 2020 targets, examples


5 Other indicators







12 Focus chapters of this year's edition:

13 Focus on commuting patterns
Analyses commuting patterns between NUTS 2 regions, both from regions within the same country and cross-border commuting. Commuting is defined as people travelling to work - at least once a week - from the region where they live (have permanent residence) to the region where they work according to the Labour Force Survey. The chapter concludes with a socio-demographic analysis of commuters.

14 London has the highest number of inter-regional commuters in the EU

15 Luxembourg has the highest number of cross-border commuters in the EU

16 Socio-economic factors: Young, well-educated men working in the service sector tend to commute more regularly than other groups in the society.

17 Focus on regional population projections
The chapter is based on the Europop2013 population projections at regional level. These results should not be seen as forecasts, but as ‘what-if’ scenarios which are based on a set of assumptions on future developments for fertility, mortality and net migration. The data collection includes the period and all 28 Member States + Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

18 Projected developments of population change components, EU-28, 2015-50 (thousands)

19 Projected population change of the population: by NUTS 2 regions, 2015-50

20 Projected population change of the population: due to natural change/ due to migration


22 Eurostat regional yearbook and the Statistical Atlas: Regional Statistics Illustrated: Mobile phone app My Region: Thank you for your attention – any questions?

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