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RAASA Report 22 December 2016.

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1 RAASA Report 22 December 2016

2 All Licenses issued April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 2010/2011 87 110 112 80 113 101 94 107 98 86 108 2011/2012 89 123 147 116 131 155 106 92 84 2012/2013 104 73 117 203 277 303 82 109 2013/2014 151 164 114 179 297 279 184 99 135 124 100 2014/2015 126 210 230 176 202 219 146 165 145 134 2015/2016 175 200 198 177 148 111 144 208 2016/2017 141 158 197 181 167 139 129 Baseline NOTE: All Licenses includes Part 62 ( add Part 68 GLD license from Feb 2016 )

3 12 months License Activity 12 Month average hrs per license
12 Month hours flown Licenses issued 12 Month average hrs per license Jan'16 3850.5 144 26.74 Feb'16 145 23.47 Mar'16 208 32.40 April'16 141 32.44 May'16 158 28.27 June'16 197 20.32 July'16 181 18.19 Aug'16 175 33.21 Sept'16 167 18.20 Oct'16 124 16.39 Nov'16 4258.8 139 30.64 Dec'16 129 31.36 TOTAL 1908 25.95 *NOTE: Licenses issued are all Part 62 and 68 licenses with flying hours excluding hang gliding and paragliding licences. for Month of Sep:- Total Part 62->186 Plus Total Part 68->16 =202 Minus Total HG and PG ->79 = 123.

4 Actual – ATF’s April May June July August Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
April May June July August Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 2010/2011 141 151 128 167 176 169 144 161 173 116 183 224 2011/2012 162 168 137 191 177 217 206 165 142 198 186 2012/2013 184 135 119 159 240 148 178 195 2013/2014 205 250 180 181 174 190 2014/2015 204 200 179 238 237 175 189 222 218 2015/2016 194 203 208 234 228 187 140 201 2016/2017 252 207 202 196 257 241 220 Baseline

5 12 months ATF Hours Month 12 Month hours flown ATF's Issued
Total average Hrs Jan' 16 6646.5 140 47.48 Feb' 16 6178.6 184 33.58 Mar' 16 201 37.23 April' 16 252 38.65 May' 16 8218.1 207 39.70 June' 16 7438.9 202 36.83 July' 16 196 39.50 Aug'16 8440.1 257 32.84 Sept'16 8210.3 224 36.65 Oct'16 241 36.80 Nov'16 220 39.46 Dec'16 6558.4 187 35.07 TOTAL 2511 21.29 Training average Hrs 168.73 147.52 149.37 76.66 106.37 54.68 103.07 61.76 40.22 94.60 112.42 100.39 56.63

6 Recreational Air Events Administration
Month PJE Temp DZ Aerobatic box Airshows Display Auth. Aerobatic Rating TOTAL Approval Renewal New Jan'16 5 3 23 6 7 44 Feb'16 9 2 1 11 29 Mar'16 4 14 April'16 10 May'16 15 32 June'16 July'16 16 22 Aug'16 12 25 Sept'16 oct'16 Nov'16 13 Dec'16 8 106 24 53 241

7 NTCA Occurrences and Fatalities Trend line

8 Total A/C occurrences and NTCA occurrences

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