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Collaboration Creating Your Own PLC

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration Creating Your Own PLC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration Creating Your Own PLC
Sarah Burns - Amanda Mamula - Callie Slider

2 Let’s Meet in Person! -Plan your first and future meetings
-Invite all interested people: , text, e-vites, facebook, or paper invitations -Have Snacks or potluck -Schedule time for “visiting” -Have a start and end time and keep it firm -Have an agenda: stick to it! -Whoever hosts the meeting is in charge that day

3 First Meeting
-Goals; what is our PLC about, introduce your topic(s)? Make a list, share it before, during, after the meeting with the group. -Come up with a way/place to keep your information/documents (google docs, padlet, group ) -Create a year long meeting schedule, monthly, bi-montlhy etc. decide who will host each time and where. -Divide tasks

4 Future Meetings -If your hosting, your in charge, plan so your session runs smoothly -Send Reminders -get input on what needs to be covered -send agenda to everyone invited allow time for questions, visiting etc. -arrange snacks, docuemts, materials, space -guest, RSVP so your host know who is coming -Stick to your agenda and time schedule -Follow up to thank those who came and ask if anyone needs anything from your session.

5 Collaborate on social media
Facebook Groups! Midwest TAB-Choice Art Teachers Teachers Choosing TAB in the Art Room Choice-Art Educators TAB for Urban and Low Income Populations TAB Room Design Assessment and Accountability in TAB Instagram Accounts @MrsSlidersTABArtStudio @ArtMrsMiller

6 Four Corners Break into your regions & Share your info! Northwest
Northeast Central Southwest Southeast

7 Share what you learned from the breakout session!

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