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New in Notebook: Experiment Odds and Ends

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1 New in Notebook: Experiment Odds and Ends
Write down in step by step format how you would test who is better in basketball (using a paper basketball and trash can) – boys or girls in this class. Do it in LIST or NUMBERED format.

2 The Step by Step includes:
Who? (did the experiment) What? (what did they DO?) Where? (location matters) When? (often the time of day matters as well) Details – someone across the country should be able to REPLICATE your study from your instructions.

3 Learning Target: I will compare and contrast engineering and variable experiments with a Venn Diagram and in the study guide.

4 Science Fair Notes: Alika Reyna Joley You are all not monkeys


6 New For Your Dictionary:
Control: The “normal” state of your experiment. What is normal BEFORE you apply your independent variable.

7 Story Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group 1. 2 3 4 5

8 Story Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group Bilbo Ring or no ring. Smaug can see him? No ring. 2. Baseball Song or no song # of WS they win No music 3. Colton How he dresses Does she look? Dressing normally 4. Plants Celtic Women Music Height and # of leaves 5. Science Fair New web site/ money # of ideas Old web site

9 Answers to the Metric Conversion Problems
1) .856 hm 2) hm 3) 4500 cl 4) 1 g

10 How they are the same! 1) Procedure section 2) Experiment Section
2) Problems and Solutions/ Future Investigations

11 How they are Different ENGINEERING 1) Explaining paragraph
2) 3 possible solutions + selecting winner 3) Solving a problem VARIABLE 1) IV, DV, control 2) Hypothesis with explanation 3) Analysis – what did you learn about the variables?

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