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What happened during the last two decades

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1 What happened during the last two decades
What happened during the last two decades? - a follow up study of unaccompanied Somali girls in Sweden Magdalena Bjerneld RNT, MSc, PhD In cooperation with Dr. Nima Ismail Department of women’s and children’s health International Maternal and Child Health (IMCH)

2 The first study 1999, in summary
Interviews with 14 unaccompanied Somali girls Father died in war situation Mother difficulties managing the situation Afraid of rape of the girls

3 The first study cont. Choose one child – to survive, better future Collected money – smuggler Knew nothing about Sweden Good experiences of the reception in Sweden Longed for mother

4 Motive for present study
The picture of the Somali women did not correspond to our experience Earler research: Majority about mental health Few longitudinal studies Few studies with adults who fled as children Girls/women almost invisible – known as vulnerable Financial support from European Refugee Fund (ERF)

5 Aim To explore how a group of unaccompanied girls from Somalia experienced their transition into the Swedish society

6 Method Individual interviews with 6 of the Somali women in previous study Interviews with 6 other Somali women who arrived in Sweden as unaccompanied children Interview guide: the life story, challenges, important factor for success etc. Nima Ismail cultural bridge Thematic analysis Focus on successes more than problems Also interview with social worker, school nurses, newly arrived girls

7 General comments How has your life been in Sweden so far
General comments How has your life been in Sweden so far? (After 6 – 25 years in Sweden ) All women thought they had succeeded with their life in Sweden “ I think I have fulfilled some of my dreams, like educated myself. I feel part of the society” All have Swedish citizenship Have education and work as: Nurse, medical doctor, social worker, economist, teachers, doctoral student, local politician etc.

8 Family All but one had a family with children Majority married to a Somali man Parents want to meet Swedish families

9 Findings Different kind of support needed
Replace the mother – their role model Cohesion – practical support Connection – emotional support Coherence – learn the rhythm of ordinary life * By: Staff, social workers, health professionals, countrymen or adults in the Swedish society * Kohli, R.K.S. (2007), Social Work with Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Children. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

10 Recommendations from the women
Key person to relate to - “a parent” (Somali if possible) Do not move them between many places Educate the staff in the group homes and health care See the women as resources not problems!

11 To feel integrated Football match Sweden – Somalia
” I would say Sweden since my children often play football “ ” Spontaneously I would support Somalia, because I will always be a Somali”

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