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IV. Reaction Energy (p. 514 - 517) Ch. 17 – Chemical Reactions IV. Reaction Energy (p. 514 - 517) C. Johannesson.

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1 IV. Reaction Energy (p. 514 - 517)
Ch. 17 – Chemical Reactions IV. Reaction Energy (p ) C. Johannesson

2 Catalyst Goal Sheets Homework: pp. 193-195 due tomorrow
Science fair question/plan due Wednesday Chemical Reactions quiz Thursday or Friday Test corrections due Friday C. Johannesson

3 Objectives: Enthalpy Explain collision theory – molecules must collide in order to react, and they must collide in the correct or appropriate orientation and with sufficient energy to equal or exceed the activation energy.  Interpret potential energy diagrams for endothermic and exothermic reactions including reactants, products, and activated complex‒with and without the presence of a catalyst. C. Johannesson

4 A. Reaction Pathway Shows the change in energy during a chemical reaction C. Johannesson

5 Chemical bonds When chemical bonds are formed, energy is released
Electrons are often dropping into a more stable arrangement from an excited state. They will release energy as light or heat When chemical bonds are broken, energy is absorbed. Energy is required to break bonds C. Johannesson

6 Activation Energy Whether the reaction ends up releasing or absorbing energy, an initial input of energy is often required How does this relate to collision theory? C. Johannesson

7 Objective 2.2.2 Describe the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions What evidence can you look for signs of an endothermic or exothermic reaction? C. Johannesson

8 2H2(l) + O2(l)  2H2O(g) + energy
B. Exothermic Reaction reaction that releases energy products have lower PE than reactants energy released 2H2(l) + O2(l)  2H2O(g) + energy C. Johannesson

9 C. Endothermic Reaction
reaction that absorbs energy reactants have lower PE than products energy absorbed 2Al2O3 + energy  4Al + 3O2 C. Johannesson

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