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Presentation on theme: "Parallelism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallelism

2 Definition Similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses. Also called parallel structure.

3 General Rules Items in a series appear in parallel grammatical form.
A noun is listed with other nouns An –ing form is listed with other –ing forms, and so on. Failure to express such items in similar grammatical form is called faulty parallelism.

4 For example When I was a child, I loved to play in the leaves, skip down the driveway, and __________________ against the wind. I still enjoy playing in the leaves, skipping down the driveway, and __________________ against the wind. Susan danced a jig and then ______________ a song that took my heart away.

5 Parallel structure is never corrected by creating a compound sentence!!!!!
For example WRONG!!: We took the train to the theatre, to the restaurant, and we also took it to the national park. For example Corrected: We took the train to the theatre, to the restaurant, and we also took it to the national park.

6 More Examples The children spent the afternoon playing video games, watching TV, or ________________ donuts. If you want to learn how to play video games, watch TV, or ______________ donuts, spend the afternoon with my children. All that you need to make a great tomato sandwich is whole-wheat bread, a sliced sweet onion, two lettuce leaves, mustard or mayonnaise, and a juicy ____________________. To make a great tomato sandwich, begin by toasting two pieces of whole-wheat bread and _________________ a sweet onion.

7 7. During our vacation in the Bahamas, we hope __________, to enjoy beautiful sunsets, and to dance ourselves dizzy at reggae clubs. that we eat delicious seafood that eating delicious seafood occurs to eat delicious seafood eating delicious seafood 8. Karen wished Ray chewed with his mouth closed, for otherwise he was everything she wanted in a date; he was tall, intelligent, and __________. he looked good being good looking one handsome man to look at handsome

8 9. To win Laurie’s love, Albert visited the florist for roses, the drugstore for a box of chocolates, and __________. bought an expensive gold necklace at the jewelry store the jeweler for an expensive gold necklace the jeweler where he bought an expensive gold necklace to buy an expensive gold necklace 10. Kimberly won’t date Terry because he is too short, too noisy, and _________. because he picks his teeth with his fingers too impolite is the most impolite man she has ever met Picking his teeth with his fingers


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