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Build Champions Program

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1 Build Champions Program
12/31/ :30 PM Build Champions Program Sanjeevini Mittal Office 365 End User Adoption © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Who are Champions? What Makes a Champion? Assemble your Team
A highly engaged and influential end user Someone who looks for opportunities in setbacks and pain points One who is willing to help and solve a pain point Typically among the first in the organization to try new tools Assemble your Team Create a Champion “role description” that answers ‘what’s in it for me?’ Solicit Champion recommendations from senior leadership Promote the program in order to attract volunteer Champions

3 Why build a Champions Program?
Grow adoption of improved ways of working across teams Drive product usage and engagement throughout workplace communities Improve digital literacy and sustain product adoption for ongoing benefits Promote transparency and sharing amongst colleagues to drive efficiency at work Reduce strain on core project team resources Identify business challenges and solutions more quickly Get business need input from Cedric & Simon

4 Why build a Champions Program?
12/31/ :30 PM Why build a Champions Program? Learning via coworkers is among the most effective and most used methods Percent using learning method versus method helpfulness These methods are underutilized (low usage, but have high effectiveness) Learning via coworkers is among the most effective and most used methods My manager Coworker (non-manager, non-IT) IT employee Formal training (external) Formal training (internal) % who said method was “very helpful” Community forums User guide or manual Online tutorials or webinars Microsoft’s website Search engine Myself, through trial and error Self-learning is largely ineffective, but currently part of learning process for many Results of a Microsoft research study survey © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

5 How to build your Program
1 5 Create a clear execution plan aligned to overall organizational objectives Gain sponsorship from senior leadership, using Champion program value prop Promote the program to attract volunteers, addressing ‘what’s in it for me?’ Formally train Champions, incorporating Microsoft’s training resources Build a Yammer Group for Champions to share updates and best practices Provide support materials and set up a regular rhythm for discussion amongst Champions Empower Champions to guide their peers, and recognize Champions’ efforts Develop the program 2 6 Train and empower Champions Assemble a team of volunteers 3 Talk about the challenge that this is just part of a Champion’s day job 7 4

6 Keys to Program success
Research results below support suggested approach for building your program % of respondents that rated activity as having above average importance Top Reported Activities for Driving O365 Adoption* Defined a vision and identified how Office 365 will be used 1 Obtained proactive support from senior leadership to encourage use of Office 365 2 Provided training for end users 3 Raised awareness through , Intranet announcements, posters, teaser videos, newsletters 4 *Results of a Microsoft research study survey

7 Champions Program best practices
Regional Champion Sponsor Nestle’s program is centrally planned, and locally managed and executed Aim to attract volunteers who have an interest in technology and driving efficiency Champion sponsors determine the changes and priorities that Champions will drive with their peers Nestle provides continuous training of Champions to keep the program invigorated and up to date Centrally managed Program Mott Macdonald focuses on attracting volunteers rather than forcing people to join the program Build Champions networks around business solutions to ensure alignment to overall organizational objectives Pair senior leaders with Champions to enable “reverse mentoring” by those who know the product best Reinvigorate program regularly with new content from Microsoft and by infusing with new Champions Incentivize Champions with recognition

8 Best practices for measuring Program success
“The education from the Champion Network allows me to improve our continuous improvement methodology based on new capabilities while Championing potential benefits in my everyday projects and coaching. This has resulted in huge time savings that can be re-invested into more value added activities.” – Angus, Market LEAN Pillar Leader Canada Use Collaboration Index to track the growing number of active markets, sponsors, and Champions Measure growth of product adoption globally, by region and by market by tracking user growth, activity and engagement actions Use surveys to measure program perception Encourage Champions to share their success stories Measure growth of employees’ digital capability Use surveys to gather feedback on the program, capabilities, and the perception of IT Use survey feedback to shape the next version of the program “Champions enable us to have a two-way communication channel so that everyone understands locally what needs to be focused on and their insights help us adjust our approach if necessary. We have a mix of Champions across our global business to also make sure we've really listened and understood how best to support our diverse group of colleagues.” – Jennifer Bryan, Global Change Manager Add quotes

9 Microsoft-led Office 365 Champions Program
Overview Microsoft-led program brings Champions together across organizations and geographies Belonging to this program connects Champions with Microsoft Key Benefits Gives Champions the ability to network and learn from peers at other companies Unlocks Champion’s ability to access Microsoft subject matter experts and unique Office 365 resources Nominate Champions Champions are passionate, early adapters of technology who assist their colleagues Champions are often managers of non-IT departments or managers leading business transformation Internal Champions Programs Microsoft led Office 365 Champions Program

10 Get started Build your Internal Champions Program Resources
Next steps 1 Build your Internal Champions Program Download and share this deck with leadership and peers Gain executive sponsorship for your internal Champions Program Grab the flyer and spread the word with your colleagues Resources Program Build Guide Champions Program flyer This deck (presentation for your business) Register for Microsoft led program 2 Need to add links to resources Nominate Champions for the Microsoft- led Program Identify enthusiastic Champions Ask them to register at


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