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Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork

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Presentation on theme: "Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork
Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, you could: investigate the location of seasonal constellations in the local sky. predict location of constellations at future times. determine the celestial equator, latitude and position of the Pole Star for a given position on the Earth. determine the distances of stars in a given constellation to each other and to Earth. 3 You will be able to: describe and apply the coordinate system used to locate objects in the sky. distinguish the various methods of measuring astronomical distances and apply each in appropriate situations. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases as they are used in context to relevant topics label diagrams with degree measurements describe how or why different units of measurement are needed for distances in space 1 You will be able to list the different units of measurement needed to measure distances in space There is a link after bellwork!

2 Horoscopes General Horoscope: Today’s Horoscope:
This dramatic, creative, and outgoing sign has the keyword magnetism for good reason. Fiery and self-assured, their charm can be almost impossible to resist. Whether it's time spent with family and friends or efforts on the job scene, they are going to bring a lot to the table. Today’s Horoscope: Calm down today, and be careful about accusing someone of something when you don't have all the facts. Keep your wrath under control. If you strike out now, you may find that you lose their respect forever. There are no guarantees on a day like today. If there are conflicts that you need to work out, at least make sure that it's done in private.

3 What’s Your Sign? A small review.
Constellations- Apparent 2-D pictures Zodiac-12 constellations that are special Lie along Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun through the sky due to the tilt of the Earth

4 Astronomy vs. Astrology
1. The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. 2. Obsolete Astronomy. Astronomy: The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.

5 Let’s start with ASTROLOGY.
It began thousands of years ago in ancient Babylonia, Persia, Greece and Rome. Before the “scientific method” was devised, people tried to organize their knowledge of the stars by perceiving in them shapes of animals & persons, such as a lion, ram, crab, fish, scorpion, archer, water carrier, twins, etc. They assumed these shapes had cosmic significance. They noticed that during the day, the sun passed through areas in which these shapes were observed at night. The band of shapes was called the “Zodiac,” & these shapes were the “signs” of the Zodiac. It was believed that constellations were powerful when the sun was in their area.

6 If a person was born when the sun was in the part of the sky where the stars were in the shape of a lion… the person would have personality traits that were similar to those of a lion!

7 Sun in Leo But… Can we actually see Leo from the earth during the month of August? No, the Sun is much too bright! We need to wait until later Winter to see Leo in the nighttime sky Everything is also off by an entire sign because Earth has wobbled (procession) in the 2000 years since this was made up

8 These ancients noticed that some lights in the sky moved across the stable arrangement of stars, so they called these “wanderers” (planets) and imagined that they were gods or homes of gods. The sun was worshipped as the chief god in some lands. One of the planets was reddish so they named it after the god of war, Mars. Astrologers believed that the arrangement of stars, planets, sun & moon influenced events taking place on earth. Specifically, the arrangement of these heavenly bodies at the time of a person’s birth would influence his or her personality and fate. Astrologers believed that if they knew the time & place of a person’s birth, they could make predictions about the person’s character and destiny.

9 Some facts: Noted astrologers earn a sizeable income as consultants.
To many people, the personal descriptions based on horoscopes seem to fit. BUT THEY DO NOT LOOK TO SEE IF DESCRIPTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH OTHER SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC MIGHT FIT THEM EQUALLY WELL! When told that they are going through some stress or have to make a major decision, people tend to agree with the astrologer, without examining their lives to see if the same description would fit almost any other period of their lives!

10 Why ASTROLOGY is not a science:
Astrology is not derived from natural laws, but from symbolic relationships. Astrologers do not conduct controlled research to see if their personality assessments and predictions are more accurate than we could expect by chance alone. Some personality descriptions are so GENERAL that they fit everyone! People can find any trait in themselves if they look hard enough. Their knowledge of astrology affects how they see themselves. People tend to remember what fits their expectations and forget what doesn’t.

11 ASTRONOMY is a science that is based on tested theories. It uses the scientific method to investigate hypotheses.


13 Some Questions to Ponder
What is the likelihood that one- twelfth of the world’s population is having the same kind of day? Why is the moment of birth, rather than conception, crucial for astrology? If astrologers are as good at predicting the future as they claim, why aren’t they richer? Shouldn’t we condemn astrology as a form of bigotry? Why do different schools of astrology disagree so strongly with each other? Are all horoscopes done before the discovery of the two outermost planets incorrect? Did it change when Pluto was reclassified? What if we find planet 9?

14 Back to Constellations…a part of Astronomy
Used to find things in the sky! 








22 Figure 1.8

23 Question 2 What is the path that the Sun, Moon, and planets follow through the constellations? a) the celestial equator b) the north celestial pole c) the Milky Way d) the zodiac e) the ecliptic Answer: e

24 Question 2 What is the path that the Sun, Moon, and planets follow through the constellations? a) the celestial equator b) the north celestial pole c) the Milky Way d) the zodiac e) the ecliptic The ecliptic also marks the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Answer: e

25 Question 3 Stars in a constellation are
a) physically close to each other. b) usually equal in brightness. c) about the same age. d) about the same distance away. e) in the same part of the sky. Answer: e

26 Question 3 Stars in a constellation are
a) physically close to each other. b) usually equal in brightness. c) about the same age. d) about the same distance away. e) in the same part of the sky. Stars within a constellation might be of very different ages, diameters, types, and luminosities. Answer: e

27 Exit Ticket! Read article in Canvas: Jetology
Compare and Contrast jetology with astrology. Everybody turns in their work in Canvas

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