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Homeopathy Slide shows Pulsatilla, Arsenicum and Asteria rubens.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeopathy Slide shows Pulsatilla, Arsenicum and Asteria rubens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeopathy Slide shows Pulsatilla, Arsenicum and Asteria rubens

2 Why do patients want Homeopathy?
Iatrogenic problems. Drug side-effects Drugs have not worked Want cure not suppression Pregnancy Avoid polypharmacy

3 Why Patients want Homeopathy
Deaths from NHS prescription mistakes and drug side - effects increased 500% between 1991 and 2001 December 2001

4 What is not Homeopathy Herbal medicine
Supplements e.g. EPO Glucosamine Anthroposophical medicine Bach Remedies Tissue Salts.

To treat by means of similar acting remedies ALLOPATHY Other ALLOS To treat by means of opposite acting remedies

6 Dr Samuel Hahnemann

7 Definition of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a branch of Medical Therapeutics based on the principle “Like cures Like”; namely that a substance, which in certain forms and doses causes disease symptoms, may also be used to cure illness showing similar symptoms.

8 How are Remedies Discovered?
PROVING -- Testing a substance on healthy human volunteers

9 Principles of Homeopathy
Law of Similars. Match the patients’ symptoms to the remedy picture. Use the smallest dose possible. Treat the patient, not the disease.

10 Examples of Homeopathic Remedies

11 Belladonna Red flushed face Dilated pupils (photophobia)
Very hot (high fever) Delirious Dry mouth Thirstless







18 Dilution Succussion Potentisation
How are remedies made? Dilution Succussion Potentisation

19 Potency Scales X decimal 1:10 eg 6x
C centesimal 1:100 eg 6c, 30c, 200c. M millesimal 1:1,000 eg 1M, 10M LM 1:50,000 eg LM1, LM2, LM3

20 What can be treated with Homeopathy?
No other treatment available Acute illness without the need for antibiotics Chronic illness of all types Patients on orthodox medication TEETH Syndrome Ill-defined illness

21 Range of Problems Treated in G.P.
Grief Ignatia D&V Ars Alb O - A Rhus Tox Cystitis Cantharis Cough Ipecac Large boil H. Sulph IBS various remedies Endometriosis Menopausal migraine Acne Rosacea all treated with the same remedy (Lachesis) Glandular Fever Recurrent cold sores Panic attacks etc All remedies available on NHS prescription

22 Medicines available OTC in Boots etc., cheaply
Problems treated in P.P. B.P. Arthritis Anxiety Depression Schizophrenia Tourette’s Syndrome Menopause M.E. Endometriosis Infertility Asthma Repeated URTIs Eczema Allergies etc Medicines available OTC in Boots etc., cheaply

23 Research Does homeopathy work? If so, where and how. Is it safe?
Is it all placebo? How can we improve our success rate and the range of problems treated? New provings Veterinary research

24 Outcome Studies 80% of patients treated at GHH have an improvement in their complaint, in overall coping and in well being. RLHH cancer clinic - significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels. RLHH asthma audit in adults and children - reduction in use of inhalers.

25 Advantages to Patient No side effects
Prescribe on FP10 or cheap to buy OTC Can produce significant improvement in all aspects of health Can be given to all ages of patient ( and to animals). The dose is the same. May avoid surgery or drugs esp a/bs.

26 Advantages to the Doctor
Safety profile Speed of action in acute cases. Will work with orthodox medicines Extends available therapeutic options. Small storage space Intellectually stimulating and satisfying.

27 USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES Faculty of Homeopathy
British Homeopathic Library British Homeopathic Association Remedy Manufacturers Also Buxton & Grant Freemans Helios Nelsons Weleda Useful Book Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine by Boyd (Beaconsfield)

28 Homeopathy Any Questions?

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