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2 Tone is the feeling or atmosphere the author meant to set
What atmosphere did the creators of “Jaws” want to set?

3 Guess the Artist’s Tone: playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, depressed playful

4 Guess the Artist’s Tone: playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, depressed Serious / angry

5 Guess the Artist’s Tone: playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, depressed intimate

6 Tone The tone reflects the author’s attitude towards his or her subject. Some words that can describe a tone are: Formal, serious, informal, casual, agitated, annoyed Silly, sarcastic, intimate, romantic, comforting

7 You walk into a room filled with long rectangular tables topped with crystal glasses. The silverware is real silver, the dishware is real china, and the napkins are silk. Women are dressed in evening attire, and men are dressed in black suits and bow ties. Which word best describes the attitude the event planner had towards this evening (tone)? Playful Formal Casual Sarcastic

8 You walk into a room filled with recliners and soda cans
You walk into a room filled with recliners and soda cans. There’s a buffet table in the corner, and people are walking around with paper plates. Women are dressed in capris, and men are dressed in khakis. Which word best describes the attitude the event planner had towards this evening (tone)? Playful Formal Casual Sarcastic

9 Understanding tone and mood
2 Concept 3 Characteristics 8 Extensions 4 Like Characteristics 6 Unlike Characteristics Summary 5 Like Categories 7 Unlike Categories mood

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