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Journal 19.2 Define the following terms using complete sentences:

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 19.2 Define the following terms using complete sentences:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 19.2 Define the following terms using complete sentences:
Ming Dynasty Hongwu Yonglo Zheng He Manchus Kangxi

2 19.2 China Limits European Contacts

3 Objectives Identify the successes of the early Ming Emperors
Describe China and Korea under the Qing dynasty Describe life in Ming and Qing China

4 Setting the Stage Chinese had driven the Mongols out and set up their new dynasty when the Europeans arrived….

5 China Under the Powerful Ming Dynasty
Korea and other SE Asian countries paid tribute to China They weren’t going to let them disrupt the peace and prosperity they established

6 The Rise of the Ming Hongwu
Commanded the rebel army that evicted the Mongols Encouraged a return to Confucianism Merit-based civil service system Became a ruthless tyrant who killed many govt officials

7 The Rise of the Ming cont.
Yonglo Took over after his father Moved royal court to Beijing

8 The Voyages of Zheng He Zheng He Chinese Muslim admiral
Very large expeditions Result: Many scholars thought it was a waste of money After the 7th Voyage, China withdrew into Isolation

9 Ming Relations with Foreign Countries
Their trade reflected their isolationism Only the government could trade with the outside Demand for Chinese products was up but China did not industrialize for two reasons: Against Confucian beliefs Economy favored agriculture over industrialization

10 Ming Relations cont…. Christian missionaries came with the Europeans

11 Manchus found the Qing Dynasty
Internal and external problems caused the Ming to fall Manchus took Beijing Qing Dynasty is est. Took over

12 China Under the Qing Many Earned the people’s respect
Kept Confucian beliefs and social structure Made Restored China’s prosperity

13 China under the …. Kangxi Reduced govt. expenses
Opened to Jesuits at court Expaned knowledge in med, astron, etc.

14 China under…. Qian-long (1736-1795)
Woke up early to work on the countries problems Armed nomads Expanding presence of European missionaries and merchants

15 Manchus Continue Chinese Isolation
Country is called the Middle Kingdom If you want to trade with China you have to follow China’s rules The Dutch accepted these terms They even performed the “kowtow”

16 Manchus cont…. British requested better terms and to accept British goods on the Chinese market Qian-long refused Europeans began to destroy the Chinese trade system

17 Korea Under the Manchus
They were a vassal state Adopted China’s policy on technology, culture, and isolation Between the est. of the Qing and Japanese attacks, Korea became nationalistic

18 Life in Ming and Qing China
1600s and 1700’s China was prosperous Families and the Role of Women Irrigation Grew Food production increase nutrition and family size Preferred sons over daughters

19 Families and the Role of Women cont..
Worked in fields Managed family finances Worked as midwives, textile workers, etc.

20 Cultural Developments
Based on Traditional Forms Dream of the Red Chamber Art Valued technique over creativity

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