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Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe

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Presentation on theme: "Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe

2 About 40% worldwide, including 65% of european forests are threatened with conflagrations. In Poland this probability still increases up to 85%! What can we do about it?

3 We can talk about this topic in media to increase people’s awareness.

4 The mass media has a huge impact on people, which we can use to spread awareness. Nowadays the communication between people is easier than it was before. Through television, the press and social media we can inform the whole world how important the role of forests is, how we can deal with a destructive power of fire and how to behave in the forests.

5 We can secrete places for bonfires and place more trash bins.

6 There is not enough safe places where anyone could make a bonfire
There is not enough safe places where anyone could make a bonfire. Because of that firefighters are not able to extinguish the fire before it spreads out. To prevent this we should allocate more space where people could safely enjoy making bonfires.

7 A lot of people leave glass bottles, cigarette leftovers and other litter in forest, which in sun could start serious conflagration. To avoid these situations we can space out more trash bins next to forests enteries. Everyone could throw away deadly for environment trash.

8 We can exacerbate penalties.

9 Raising penalties for smoking in places which are not allowed is one of the most effective methods of fighting against threatening fire. It is a good way to make people pay proper attention to the problem of fire.

10 Increasing the number of signs.

11 By putting up the signs we can inform people which areas are particulary susceptible to fires and where people have to be more aware about what they are doing.

12 9 of 10 conflagrations are caused by people, only YOU can prevent it!

13 Thank you for attention.

14 Bibliography
Fotografie na slajdach 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 – archiwum własne

15 Adrianna Babik Klaudia Jurczak Karolina Musiałek Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Armii Krajowej w Białobrzegach Klasa II

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