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Date Submitted: [November 9, 2009]

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1 Date Submitted: [November 9, 2009]
Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Distributed Channel Allocation Proposal for 4E and 4G MAC] Date Submitted: [November 9, 2009] Source: [H.Q. Huang, Y. Yang, J. Shen, H.T. Liu, Betty Zhao and L Li] [SIMIT, Huawei, Vinno] Address [No.865 Changning Road, Shanghai, , China] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [IEEE P e] Abstract: [This document describes a MAC proposal for IEEE g about channel allocation support and collision avoidance.] Purpose: [Discussion in e Task Group] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual's) or organization's). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P

2 Characteristics of PHY proposals of 4g related to MAC
Multiple-Channel Data rate variable Energy efficiency Support payload size control and long PHY frame size Support simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks Multiple topology support Schedule of multiple channel and data rate Low energy consumption Multi-hop communication Collision avoid for long frame Basic Requirement for MAC

3 Working procedure (1) Each node periodically performs channel sample for a short period to receive Wakeup command. Wakeup command contains the destination’s address, which can be set as ‘0xffff’ to support broadcast/multicast communication. The source node sends a wakeup sequence (contains several wakeup commands and idle listening periods) if there is data to send. When received Wakeup command, the destination node transmits Data_Req immediately, then waiting for DATA frame. The source node transmits DATA frame immediately after received the Data_Req. For multicast communication, act as Arch Rock MAC.

4 Working procedure (2)

5 Unicast communication sequence

6 Multicast communication sequence

7 Collision Avoidance A, B and C can listen each other A and B are in Data transmission process C is sampling channel, As detecting channel busy, continue listening until receive a whole frame: If C have data to send, cancel data transmission process and try it in next period A and C can’t hear each other Both A and C send wakeup command to B, collision happened B is sampling channel, As detecting channel busy, continue sampling until receive wakeup command from C B sends Data req to C and starts data transmission A receives no Data req for itself, try it again in next period

8 Channel Allocation Channel setting Channel allocation handshake
One common channel for control message interactive Multi channels for data transmission Channel allocation handshake The transmitter inquiries neighbors with Wakeup command frame whether the selected channel is useful. (in common channel) The intended receiver provides positive feedback with Data req frame or no reply for negative feedback. (in common channel) The neighbors of the transmitter and receiver log the channel using. The transmitter and receiver switch to selected channel , start data transmission.

9 Required modification for 15.4e MAC
Modify Wakeup frame add source address field, Channel req inf and Tx hold time Oct:2 1 2 FCF DSN Dest PAN Dest Addr Src PAN Src Addr RZTime Channel req TxTime FCS Add New MAC frame – Data Req to confirm the source node’s transmission request (wakeup command), and announce its neighbors to keep silence during the next data transmission Oct:2 1 2 FCF DSN Dest PAN Dest Addr Src PAN Src Addr Channel confirm FCS Add New MAC PIB Attribute, be inserted in Table 86 Attribute Identifier Type Range Description Default macDataReqWaitDuration Integer The maximum number of symbols to wait for a Data Req frame.

10 Summary Add/modify 15.4e MAC as * Apply for …. Modify wakeup command
Modify data request command Add new PIB: macDataReqWaitDuration * Apply for …. (Dr. Huang, YY add) 10

11 Advantages Support broadcast/multicast communication
Support multi-channel Collision avoid for ‘many-to-one’ communication Reduce wakeup sequence by a half statistically half transmission delay for one hop shorter channel occupy time lower power consumption

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