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INTERVIEW TECHNIQUE. TYPES OF INTERVIEW One to one Two to one Panel interviews with a number of interviewers Several applicants observed and talked to.

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2 TYPES OF INTERVIEW One to one Two to one Panel interviews with a number of interviewers Several applicants observed and talked to at the same time Interviews designed to select you Interviews designed to recruit you to a course or job where there is not much competition


4 BEFORE THE INTERVIEW Find out about the course/job and know what is involved Find out about the educational institution/company and know what it is like Mentally rehearse What if? questions Mentally rehearse how you will behave eg what you will wear, introductions, body language Role play your behaviour and get someone to do a mock interview with you Know where you have to get to

5 COVER THESE AREAS Why do you want to study this course/ do this job? What relevant experience or background have you got? What are your relevant enthusiasms? What personal qualities do you have to offer? Where does the course/job lead in your life? Be clear about what you want to get across in the interview

6 BODY LANGUAGE Be relaxed and alert Make firm and confident handshakes Sit upright but not too rigid Make firm and confident eye contact when appropriate Dress appropriately for the institution/ company to which you are applying Collect your thoughts and do not be afraid to pause and think before you answer a question

7 WHAT ARE INTERVIEWERS LOOKING FOR? Evidence of… preparation, research, potential, commitment, enthusiasm, personality, interest, a genuine smile, warmth & humour

8 WHAT TURNS INTERVIEWERS OFF? poor preparation wooden answers Cockiness lack of drive skills poverty extreme views negative body language uperficial beauty criticism of previous employers and ignorance about current affairs and the course/ company

9 OTHER TIPS Remind yourself of what you put in your Personal Statement, letter of application or CV/Resumé Be enthusiastic and show that you are motivated and want what is on offer Arrive early Sell yourself and draw attention to positive things about yourself. If you do not, nobody else will Have some question ready for the end of the interview which reflect your interest in the course/job

10 If your talents have not been recognised…avoid..

11 We continue learning

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