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Horizons Orientation 2018-2019 Heather Holley Columbia Co. Gifted Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Horizons Orientation 2018-2019 Heather Holley Columbia Co. Gifted Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horizons Orientation 2018-2019
Heather Holley Columbia Co. Gifted Program

2 What is Horizons? Horizons is the name of Columbia County’s Gifted Education program on the elementary level It follows the state guidelines for gifted education It is designed to meet the unique learning needs of our students who have been identified as gifted learners It is taught by teachers who are highly qualified, gifted endorsed, experienced, and passionate about what they teach The units of study are developed to meet the academic, creative, and affective needs of these students The topics are GSE/GPS aligned yet offer rigor and challenges for the students

3 State Requirements All students in elementary grades are to receive at least 5 segments of gifted services weekly. RES students get 6 segments! 2nd-5th graders attend Horizons on a designated day. Kindergarten and 1st graders receive services in their classroom by a gifted endorsed teacher and/or collaboration with gifted specialist.

4 Who is the Horizons teacher?
Heather Holley I live in Columbia Co. and my children went to Columbia Co. schools In my 30th year of teaching Almost 20 of those years have been in gifted ed. Have also taught high school and middle school LA/Reading, elementary general ed., and EIP LA/Reading M. Ed in Instructional Technology Ed. Specialist Gifted Specialist National Board Certified 2001, recertified 2011 Working on EdD in Curriculum Studies I am a member of The National Association for Gifted Children—NAGC as well as the Georgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC) I am a strong advocate for gifted children and their total being

5 Communication Email-quickest and most efficient method
I will use your for Horizons purposes only, so it is important that I have the best contact address for it! Notes or handouts-When no is available, I will send hard-copies with the children. I often send them in addition to ed info. Phone-You can leave a message at RES (706) Ext. 5832 Conferences-Please contact me for an appointment. I am available most days from 3:45-4:30. Website-My website has several good links for both students and parents. I will continue to build on this platform, so please let me know if you would like me to add specific links!

6 Curriculum Standards Gifted Standard 1: Gifted students will develop advanced research skills and methods as they carry out in-depth learning of self-selected topics within the area of study. Gifted Standard 2: Gifted students will develop and practice creative thinking and creative problem-solving skills with a variety of complex topics within the area of study. Gifted Standard 3: Gifted students will develop and practice critical thinking and logical problem-solving skills in the pertinent academic area. Gifted Standard 4: Gifted students will develop advanced communications skills, using new techniques, materials, and formats in the development of products that will be shared with real audiences. Gifted Standard 5: Gifted students will develop an understanding of self and how their unique characteristics may influence interaction with others.

7 Click logo for more info.
Units of Study for Grades 2/3—Figure it Out Math, Exemplars, logic puzzles, Creative Problem Solving, and other problem- solving exercises. Main unit of study—Our Amazing Oceans Grades 4/5—Math Olympiad, logic puzzles, STEM activities, and other problem-solving exercises. Future Problem Solving. We will learn and apply creative problem solving strategies to futuristic scenarios. This year’s topics are: Mission to Moon, Mars, and Beyond Drones Food Loss and Waste Coping with Stress Main Unit of Study—It’s Greek (and Latin) to Me! Click logo for more info.

8 Math Olympiads 4th and 5th grades November to March
Students compete with others in their age division from across the nation. Students will learn a variety of problem-solving strategies that will prepare them for the competition. The skills will enhance their math abilities in their math classes!

9 Assessments Students are assessed in a variety of ways—rubrics, checklists, peer and self-evaluations, teacher observation, and anecdotal notes. Report cards are sent out at the end of each semester. The reports cover how the student has met the goals. The students are rated on a 1-4 scale for each category.

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