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How to Apply For the Fairfax County Gifted Program

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1 How to Apply For the Fairfax County Gifted Program

2 Gifts and Talents Children have many kinds of gifts and talents
They can be gifted at making friends, art, writing, or math A child does not have to be gifted at all of these things to be gifted Many students that are gifted do not do well on the gifted test, and are not selected For these students, their parents need to apply Teachers may know about school, but you know your child best

3 The First Form When your child is in second grade, it is time to think about if they should be in this program. On the first form that was handed out, here are some things to know: In Fairfax County, gifted is called Advanced Academic.  Level IV is the full-time program. To learn the student ID number and the resource teacher, call the school.  They will be happy to help you. If you want, in the blank space, explain how your child is gifted the best you can.

4 Other Things You Can Do That form is all you need, but there are more things you can do to help. One thing that can help is to choose your five favorite pieces of artwork, writing, or other work that your child has done. You can also have up to five relatives, neighbors, coaches, or other adults write a letter about your child’s gifts. The second form is optional, but could help a lot.

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