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Progress Report Meng-Ting Zhong 2015/5/6.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report Meng-Ting Zhong 2015/5/6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report Meng-Ting Zhong 2015/5/6

2 NTU Marathon

3 NTU Dataset

4 Deep Filter Pairing Neural Network for Person Re-Identification

5 Experiments

6 Evaluations

7 Directions of Improvement
Time information Consistency Height of persons Multi-shot re-ID Detection and tracking of groups Bib number recognition

8 Tracking Across Non-overlapping Cameras on Camera Link Models

9 Consistent Re-identification in a Camera Network

10 Bib number recognition

11 VIPeR Dataset Viewpoint Invariant Pedestrian Recognition 2007
632 pedestrian image pairs Size: 128x48 Each pair contains two images of the same individual

12 i-LIDS Dataset Imagery Library for Intelligent Detection Systems 2008
Size: 704x576 The multiple camera tracking scenario datasets each contain approximately 50 hours of real world footage £[ 204 ] per dataset

13 PRID Dataset Person Re-ID 2011 Size: unknown
Videos with restricted access

14 3DPeS 3D People Surveillance Dataset 2011 Size: 704x576
NOT synchronized and there is no time travel data

15 RAiD Dataset Re-Identification Across Indoor-Outdoor Dataset 2014
MAT file Size: 128x64 43 people walked in these camera views resulting in 6920 images

16 CUHK03 Dataset 2014 Size: 3??x1?? MAT file "cuhk-03.mat“
1467 identities are collected from 5 different pairs of camera views

17 CamNeT Dataset Camera Network Tracking Dataset 2015 Size: 640*480
Composed of five to eight cameras covering both indoor and outdoor scenes at University of California, Riverside. Time stamp included

18 Reference W. Li, R. Zhao, T. Xiao and X. Wang, "DeepReid: Deep Filter Pairing Neural Network for Person Re-Identification" in Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2014.

19 Thank you for listening!!!

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