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16th Annual Vice-Chancellor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2018

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1 16th Annual Vice-Chancellor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus Andrew Fox1, Alison Miles2, Charles Dorr3 1Lecturer in Civil Engineering Management, School of Engineering, University of Plymouth 2Doctoral Teaching Fellow, Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth 3ESF Delivery Project Manager, Academic Partnerships, University of Plymouth

2 Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus
Structure of the presentation: Background about four projects that were recently granted funding by the European Social Fund (ESF) and explain how teams at the University of Plymouth and other partner institutions are working to implement the projects. Details about one element of the projects, in which Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are being engaged at the research-teaching nexus in conjunction with students on a Level 7 module in the Civil Engineering programme at the University of Plymouth. Details about one other element of the projects, in which Large Enterprises are being engaged at the research-teaching nexus in conjunction with students on a Level 5 module in the Civil Engineering programme at the University of Plymouth.

3 Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus
Background about four projects that were recently granted funding by the European Social Fund (ESF) and explain how teams at the University of Plymouth and other partner institutions are working to implement the projects. Devon Somerset Focus on SMEs Focus on learners/ employees Strategic Employer Engagement in Devon Strategic employer Engagement in Somerset Higher Level Skills Hidden Talent in Devon Hidden Talent in Somerset Development and promotion of work-related higher level provision (e.g. Degree Apprenticeships, CPD) Involvement of employers in the design and development of provision Activities to improve the accessibility of provision to employees (e.g. Taster Courses, APEL support)

4 Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus
Details about one element of the projects, in which Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are being engaged at the research-teaching nexus in conjunction with students on a Level 7 module in the Civil Engineering programme at the University of Plymouth. MGMT International Business Management module Module covers: Business analysis, international business strategy, marketing, leadership and corporate governance. Students are paired with an ESF engineering company and carry out business analysis on the company linked to the learning objectives of the module Assessments: Coursework: Business analysis report for the ESF company Exam: Traditional exam format but encouraging students to use their ESF client as a case study to support their arguments in answer to exam questions Employers identify further skills development needs for their employees…. ESF companies define the research topics/needs Teaching focusses on developing investigative and writing skills ESF companies evaluate benefits of teaching and research Students lead research activity

5 Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus
Details about one other element of the projects, in which Large Enterprises are being engaged at the research-teaching nexus in conjunction with students on a Level 5 module in the Civil Engineering programme at the University of Plymouth. Employers engaged in advisory capacity, directing focus of Civil Engineering reaching syllabus and ad-hoc teaching on several modules 2017 ESF Project award and employers suggest more active student “mentoring” role School decides to enhance employer engagement activity in a Level 5 module with students (MGMT222) 2018 Employers in Devon and Somerset contacted and MGMT222 delivery plan modified to include field visits to companies in Devon and Somerset MGMT222 students taught about “Continuous Professional Development” and taken to meet employees of Civil Engineering companies in Devon and Somerset 2019 Research team work with employers to link students and industry-based mentors and to formulate mutually beneficial long-term career development plans Students and mentors monitor career development plan and engage in skills enhancement activities... 2020 Research team and employers evaluate outcomes and the cycle repeats with new student cohort…

6 16th Annual Vice-Chancellor's Teaching and Learning Conference 2018
Linking employers to the Research Teaching Nexus ANY QUESTIONS? Andrew Fox, Alison Miles, Charles Dorr

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