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Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Burgess

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1 Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Burgess
Welcome to Year 2! Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Burgess

2 Maths. Expectations include being able to:
Count in steps of 2,3 and 5 from 0, and in tens forwards and backwards from any number. Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently and derive and use related facts to 100. Solve problems. Identify and describe properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

3 Maths. Please could you help the children with their mental maths, initially adding and taking away small numbers quickly, and later, 2, 5 and 10 times tables? Also it would be good if you could help your children with these practical areas. Look at the clock with them at key moments in the day, e.g, lunchtime so that they learn to tell and write the time to five minutes and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. Take them shopping to help them recognise and use £ and p symbols, combine amounts to make a particular value, find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money and solve problems including giving change. Make cakes together to help them learn appropriate standard units of measurement, e.g grams.

4 Reading We will endeavour to hear your children read their reading scheme book twice a week. Please try to listen to your children read daily, remembering to talk about the text, predict different endings, discuss different 'what if' scenarios etc. A key skill is being able to identify and discuss similarities and differences between texts.

5 Writing Your children will be becoming more independent this year.
They will be developing ideas and editing their own work in order to enhance. They will be beginning to write with the reader in mind. Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be a key area of focus this year in order to meet the new government set expectations.

6 Phonics and Spelling In year 2 we will put the children into phonics groups in order to tailor the lessons to their needs and pace. These groups are flexible and children will move from time to time as their needs change. There is a spelling overview on the website, which we will be following at a pace which suits the needs of the group. Success in spelling will be monitored during independent use in their written class work.

7 Topics this term. Africa. We have planned a trip to Whipsnade Zoo on Tuesday 25th September in conjunction with this. Science: Animals including Humans.

8 This term’s dates: Later in the year:
Parents’ Evening, Thursday 27th September, 4pm-7:30pm. Year 1 and Year 2 will each perform their own Christmas play. The Year 2 production is on Tuesday 11th December in the evening. Later in the year: Viking Class Assembly: Wednesday 13th March. Norman Class Assembly: Thursday 31st January, at 9am.

9 Housekeeping. Please make sure the children have: Named water bottles.
Named PE kit including plimsolls. They may bring tracksuit bottoms in colder weather. PE takes place twice a week. Please name jumpers, cardigans and coats. Please make sure your child comes in with a coat when the weather becomes colder. Download the school app for notifications when the website is updated. Schudio Follow us on

10 And please let us know when someone new is collecting your child.
Thank you!

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