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What you need today: Your lab notebook Label your entry:

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1 What you need today: Your lab notebook Label your entry:
Notes on Atoms Be sure to date and # your page And add entry to your Table of Contents

2 Warm-up: Besides energy, what else moves through ecosystems and how does move?

3 Matter has personalities

4 Lesson 1: What is an Atom? What Makes up an Atom?

5 What IS an Atom? Smallest particle of an element
Made of even smaller particles All matter (solid, liquid, gas) in the universe is made up of atoms Atoms can ‘lock’ together to make larger molecules Carbon is like the duct tape of atoms!

6 What IS an Atom? Smallest particle of an element
Made of even smaller particles All matter (solid, liquid, gas) in the universe is made up of atoms Atoms can ‘lock’ together to make larger molecules Carbon is like the duct tape of atoms! Write a 2 sentence summary answering the question: What is an atom?

7 Let’s talk about Carbon
Atomic Number = 6 Protons (+) Also has an equal number of neutrons (0 charge) The protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom = for the atom to be stable, there has to be an equal number of protons and neutrons The protons and neutrons are large enough that they give the atom mass Units = unified atomic mass unit and is equivalent to an unbound neutron of a Carbon atom If it were only for these guys there would be an overall + charge to the atom But (-) charged particles are going to be attracted to the nucleus Those (-) charge particles are the electrons What this doesn’t tell you is that the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons and neutrons in a stable atom Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus are like the secret identity of

8 Build-an-Atom Alright, so let’s look at one of these Atoms ‘looks’ like

9 Atoms have personalities
Some atoms are social. Some are loners. It all depends on the electrons. Atoms bond because atoms like to be in stable relationship Atoms hook up with other atoms by SHARING ELECTRONS Atoms are a bit like people, they prefer company and join up with other atoms because they are more stable that way

10 Atoms have personalities
Some atoms are social. Some are loners. It all depends on the electrons. Atoms bond because atoms like to be in stable relationship Atoms hook up with other atoms by SHARING ELECTRONS Based on the periodic table, can you predict which will be loners? Which will be social? What’s the clue? Atoms are a bit like people, they prefer company and join up with other atoms because they are more stable that way

11 What you are doing now: Build-an-atom in small groups
Rules for working today: Your groups will be One person you often work with 2 people who you don’t often work with Everyone works the controls You will complete the illustrations, notes, and answer the questions in your lab notebook This is stamped today Start on the molecule activity (due tomorrow) Put time limit on the Atom lab – 30 minutes Give them the molecule models individually as they finish the activity

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