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EC CONTRACT VC / 2007 / 0555 REPORTING ON ESF INTERVENTIONS IN THE EU REPORTING ON ESF ACHIEVEMENTS ESF Technical Working Group Brussels, 19 January 2010 Dominique Danau, Livia Di Nardo & Georgios Voudouris

2 Reporting ESF interventions in the EU
Scope Description of what ESF does and achieves on different policy topics and target groups Information based on existing sources, demonstrated through data and illustrated by concrete examples Studies aiming at communication of interventions and achievements, not evaluation Main deliverables 21 thematic studies: background report & summary fiche Translation of summary fiches Lay-out and printing of documents

3 Deliverables Background reports
emphasis on (comparable) quantitative data qualitative information on interventions/case studies on average 100 pages, available in English addressing knowledgeable stakeholders

4 Deliverables Summary fiches
informative presentation of subject in plain language most compelling data, tables and graphs 16 page brochure in EN, FR, DE, ES, IT and PL addressing interested audience (s)

5 Research Approach Definition of theme
Based on standardised definitions by EU and other key players Taking into account how the theme is covered by ESF Broken down in important topics (“key concepts”) Identification of measures / priority axes Screening measures/priorities that address the theme Allocating measures/priorities to one (or more) key concept(s) Data collection and analysis Bringing together all data/indicators related to selected measures Analysing data for all measures and per key concept

6 Research Approach (II)
Original data set (one spreadsheet per OP) Indicators are extracted from ESF reports Indicators are translated and standardised, but not manipulated (“processed”) Standardised list of indicators Agreed with EC and based on “annex 23” Processed data set Starting from original data set, indicators are aggregated, extrapolated or transformed when needed Forms the basis for all theme-related research Rules for data manipulation (extrapolation, aggregation, transformation) have been agreed with the EC

7 Research Approach (III)
Consistency of data handling is assured through: Guidelines for indicator collection List of standardised indicator names Internal review process and research log Transformation of all individual data sets prepared in Excel into one big Access file Examples of data manipulation Aggregation Extrapolation Transformation

8 Overall Findings ESF Research is based on data collected for 1,557 measures relating to 207 OPs in 25 Member States 1,234 measures have reported over 75m participants / participations All OPs together have spent a total of € 105bn, of which € 54bn was claimed from ESF 37% of all participations were between 16 and 25 years old 7% was over 55 years old ESF reached about 900,000 people with disabilities Almost 3m participants gained a qualification through ESF 2.5m people were integrated in the labour market

9 Overall Findings ESF Figure 7: Gender breakdown of ESF participations

10 Overall Findings ESF Figure 8: Status of ESF participations in the labour market

11 Overall Findings ESF Figure: Average yearly participation per Member State

12 Overall Findings ESF Figure: Total ESF budget by Member State: proportion between ESF and Member State funds

13 Thematic Studies Studies (almost) finalised
Active Labour Market Policies and Public Employment Services Adaptability of Enterprises and Continuing Training of Workers Human Potential in Research and Innovation Labour Mobility Education and Lifelong Learning Women, Gender Mainstreaming and Conciliation of work and private life Measures used at least once up to now: 1311 out of 1557 (84%) This figure includes data for ongoing studies on Roma, Migrants & Minorities, and Health and Long-Term Care Remaining measures may be allocated to studies on e.g. Social Inclusion, Entrepreneurship or Institutional Capacity

14 ALMP & PES Research based on 468 measures relating to 150 OPs from all 25 Member States Total expenditure € 43.9bn, of which € 22.3bn claimed under ESF ALMP represents more than 40% of total ESF expenditure ALL MS have used relatively big share of their ESF funds for ALMP/PES interventions Total number of participations: 27million In , ALMP/PES is present in 129 Priority Axes relating to 90 OPs from all 27 Member States

15 ALMP the champion of ESF support throughout Europe
Share of total ESF expenditure devoted to ALMP per MS

16 ALMP & PES Key areas of research Key findings
Assistance to people has been given through: providing personalised services, attention to specific target groups (young people, disabled, etc), training activities and employment creation (job and business creation, assisting vulnerable groups) PES and Systems: Assistance to systems consisted in modernising Public Employment Services, developing Local Employment initiatives and creating a favourable environment to improve the conditions of functioning of the Labour Market. Key findings People first and work first: priority given to persons providing them with personalised services (12MS) 77% of co-funding for assisting people, 23% for assisting systems 30% of EU25 unemployed population took part in ESF co-funded ALMP activities According to ad-hoc basis evaluations the insertion rates of participations is higher than 60% In EU10, 21% of total LMP activities were co-funded by ESF The insertion rate of participants into the labour market, even if only partially available, varies widely from one ALMP measure to another – between 0.2% and 82% according to the measure

17 Adaptability Research based on 132 measures relating to 123 OPs from 23 Member States (no CY & LV) Total expenditure € 11.8bn, of which € 5.1bn claimed under ESF Just over 7m participations At least 400,000 organisations In , Adaptability is present in 247 Priority Axes relating to 106 OPs from all 27 Member States

18 Adaptability Key areas of research Key findings
Important note: scope of study is more narrow than “adaptability” policy field Three stages of restructuring process: anticipation, management and mitigation Two perspectives: enterprises and workers Key findings ESF promotes holistic approach (skills analysis, training programme, childcare facilities) ESF supports SMEs, in particular micro-enterprises ESF emphasises proactive initiatives (anticipation)

19 Human Potential in Research & Innovation
Research based on 126 measures relating to 85 OPs from 18 Member States Total expenditure € 6.6bn, of which € 3.4bn claimed under ESF Italy spends almost € 2bn; Finland dedicates over 40% of its ESF allocation to human potential 3.1m participations and at least 85,000 organisations In , human potential is present in 92 Priority Axes relating to 75 OPs from 23 MS ESF funding for human potential amounts to € 4.4bn

20 Human Potential in Research & Innovation
Key areas of research Developments in higher education: raising skills profile and research capacity; mobility and international cooperation; access to higher education Cooperation and know-how transfer between research institutes and the business sector Key findings ESF contributes to European Research Area ESF supports modernisation of tertiary education New MS use ESF to strengthen national R&D policies

21 Labour Mobility Research based on 156 measures relating to 82 OPs from 17 Member States About 675,000 persons and 17,000 organisations (mainly companies) benefited from ESF interventions with an explicit link to labour mobility More than 100,000 workers and trainees Over 100,000 students and researchers Almost 60,000 people had their competences and skills recognised In , labour mobility is present in 79 Priority Axes relating to 45 OPs from 20 Member States

22 Labour Mobility Key areas of research Key findings
(Removing) obstacles to mobility Mobility of workers and jobseekers Mobility of students and researchers Key findings Labour mobility is often an indirect (and unplanned) outcome of ESF interventions. The reported achievements underestimate the true reach of ESF. A few MS use ESF to attract their own researchers working abroad to return home: “reverse brain drain”.

23 Education and Lifelong Learning
Research based on 558 measures relating to 178 OPs from all 25 Member States Total expenditure € 43.8bn, of which € 22.8bn claimed under ESF Education and LLL represent 42% of total ESF expenditure Portugal, Netherlands, Ireland and Cyprus use big share of the overall ESF funds for education and LLL Almost 33m participations in In , education and LLL are present in 318 Priority Axes relating to 106 OPs from all 27 MS

24 Education & Lifelong Learning
Key areas of research: Formal education Vocational education and training Continuing education and LLL Education and LLL systems Key findings Scope of study is broader than LLL policy field: overlap with ALMP, adaptability and social inclusion The type of interventions is highly varied ESF contributes to modernisation of LLL systems ESF makes the difference in getting individuals into training/education

25 Women, Gender Mainstreaming and Conciliation work & private life
Research based on 244 measures relating to 141 OPs from 22 Member States Total expenditure € 9.3bn, of which € 4.5bn claimed under ESF Gender represents 8% of total ESF expenditure Two Member States (Malta and Belgium) using relatively big share of their ESF funds for gender interventions Total number of participations: 4.6m 74% women and 26% men (variations across Member States) In , Gender is present in 181 Priority Axes relating to 93 OPs from 25 Member States

26 Women, Gender Mainstreaming and Conciliation work & private life
Key areas of research: Gender mainstreaming. Measures specifically addressing men/women. Conciliation of work and private life. Key findings: Overlaps between measures.

27 Women, Gender Mainstreaming and Conciliation work & private life
Besides the strategic approach to gender mainstreaming, also specific measures, e.g. setting up a monitoring systems for follow-up of gender related issues and gender mainstreaming. 46/244 measures, 1.3m participations and 20% of ESF contribution. Measures specifically addressing women:181/244 measures, 3.3m participations and 76% of ESF contribution. Measures on conciliation of work and private life: 63/244 measures, 1.3m participations and 26% of ESF contribution.

28 Implementation Challenges
Result indicators (and impact data) are not consistently provided: the most common (output) indicator is (total) participants/participations Information on gender, age, labour market status or educational level is only provided for part of the measures Interventions announced in programming docs are often not reported during implementation Certain themes are addressed by ESF but only as part of a broader measure or through projects


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