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Louisiana Purchase, John Marshall, and the War of 1812

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1 Louisiana Purchase, John Marshall, and the War of 1812

2 Lets Recap…. Jefferson elected as president 1800
Came into office with the goal of reversing much of what Federalists had done to strengthen the federal government Decreasing the influence of the gov. on the people lower taxes Decrease size of the bureaucracy

3 Jefferson and the courts:
Constitution had not fully specified the role/organization of the supreme court Just before Adams handed over power to Jefferson the judiciary act of 1801 was passed Adams appointed John Marshall right before he left office Long time federalist leader Sworn in as chief justice Basically this was a way to prevent Jefferson from being able to appoint judges to supreme court Marshall was cousin of jefferson

4 Jefferson as President:
Strict constructionist- opposed development of a strong central gov However, on issues of westward expansion, Jefferson used the power and money of the federal gov very boldly Like a Federalist would have!! Jefferson encouraged settlement in the frontier Up to the Mississippi River


6 The Louisiana Purchase:
Napoleon sold all French claims to the US FOR $15 MILLION! Jefferson was conflicted at first The constitution did not mention buying foreign owned lands He also was weary of spending that much public money Eventually he urged congress to approve the purchase Greatly increased national debt Almost doubled the size of the US

7 The War of 1812 US had just purchased the Louisiana territories
Who was living in these “unexplored” territories Native Americans!! Tensions over expansion into the Midwest between settlers and Native Americans were growing Native Americans began attacking settlers Many blamed Britain for encouraging natives to attack President Madison urged congress to declare war against Britain Lewis and Clark People in congress blamed britian

8 The War of 1812 in a nutshell…
1808 Britain and France were at war, the US was neutral Britain and US became enemies Impressment British were arming Native Americans Issues over trading 1812 US declares war 1814 Star Spangled banner- Francis Scott Key US and Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent late 1814 Us would stay out of Europe and Europe has to stay out of the Americas Post war Entered a time of prosperity New sense of nationalism

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