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Wilson Fights For Peace

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1 Wilson Fights For Peace
11.4 Notes

2 Fourteen Points Delivered speech on Jan. 18, 1918 #1 – 5
1. No secret treaties among nations 2. Freedom of the seas 3. Tariffs/economic barriers eliminated to promote free trade 4. Arms reduced to “lowest point consistent with domestic safety” 5. colonial policies should include colonized people #8 – 13 – boundary changes #14 – League of Nations

3 League of Nations International organization
Would address diplomatic crises Help prevent war Forum for nations to discuss and settle grievances

4 Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan
Allies very angry about WWI Big Four present at peace conference French premier – Georges Clemenceau British Prime Minister – David Lloyd George Italian Prime Minister – Vittorio Orlando U.S. President – Woodrow Wilson All wanted Central Powers to pay Central Powers not present at peace conference

5 Treaty of Versailles Gathered at Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles
Hoping to create stability – angered instead Established 9 new nations Poland, Czech, Yugoslavia Shifted boundaries of other nations 5 areas cut out of Ottoman Empire Controlled temporarily by France and Britain Germany barred from maintaining an army Alsace-Lorraine returned to France $33 Billion paid in reparations



8 Weakness of Treaty Humiliated Germany War-Guilt Clause
No way they could pay back $33 Billion Stripped of colonial possessions in Pacific War-Guilt Clause Forced Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI Russia excluded from peace conference Even though fought with allies Lost territory – determined to get it back Ignored desires of self-determination of colonized people

9 Opposition to Treaty Government officials unhappy Too harsh
“the economic consequences alone will pull down all Europe and thus injure the U.S.” Sell-out to imperialism Exchanged one set of colonial rulers for another Skeptical about League of Nations Didn’t want to shape U.S. foreign policy around League of Nations Never joined

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