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James Fuccione – Senior Director

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Presentation on theme: "James Fuccione – Senior Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 James Fuccione – Senior Director
Welcome! MHAC Advisory Council James Fuccione – Senior Director July 2018 The work of the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is supported in part by:

2 Today’s Agenda MHAC Updates and Mid-Year Review
MHAC Launching Membership Opportunity Updates from EOEA, MeHI, AGO, Nesterly Frameworks Tools & Techniques MHAC Networking & Action Committee Sign-Up

3 MHAC Strategy Building the Age-Friendly Movement
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is a network of leaders in community, health and wellness, government, advocacy, research, business, education, and philanthropy who have come together to advance healthy aging. Building the Age-Friendly Movement Deepen Capacity-Building at Community Level Embed Access, Equity and Inclusion within the Age-Friendly Movement Develop and Promote a Policy and Advocacy Platform for Healthy Aging

4 Action Committees MHAC Action Committees
Access, Equity, and Inclusion: Ensuring Age/Dementia Friendly community work, Age-Friendly State efforts and MHAC strategy promote access, equity and inclusion. Policy and Advocacy: Educating and raising awareness about Age/Dementia Friendly public policy among policymakers and advocacy groups Healthy Aging Champions: Promoting MHAC Membership and working with organizations on crafting/refining commitments Regional Learning Networks – in development: Supporting shared learning and collaboration on Age/Dementia Friendly efforts among cities and towns throughout Massachusetts 1 2 3 4

5 Community and Health Services
Age-Friendly Communities A continuous improvement and collective impact process for communities Plan Implement Assess Physical Environment Age-Friendly Social Environment Community and Health Services

6 Alignment with Dementia Friendly
Build capacity of local communities to embark on the Age/Dementia Friendly designation journey Age-Friendly Community efforts… Include people living with Dementia, caregivers, and service/support providers on task force A Dementia Friendly advisory group that can focus on raising awareness and working through sectors in coordination with Age-Friendly AF + DF

7 Insta-grans June 20, 2018 Married or single, working or not, and most often grandmothers, they are asserting their presence on Instagram, intent, in the process, on subverting shopworn notions of what “old” looks and feels like. They are, to hear some tell it, “100 percent slaying.”

8 Insta-grans @IconAccidental @Jennykeeoz @SeniorStyleBible
“…if we are going to be in a nursing home, we’ll be there with our marijuana, our health foods and our great sense of style.” “Wear what you like…Age-appropriate has nothing to do with it.” “I’m not 20. I don’t want to be 20, but I’m really freaking cool. That’s what I think about when I’m posting a photo.”

9 Insta-grans Survey examining lifestyles and attitudes of British women aged between 53 and 72 69% of think the fashion industry ignores people their age 82% think that the clothes that are aimed at them are “way too old-fashioned.” 73% say they hate the way their generation is patronized when it comes to tech 78% express no desire to buy technology that is especially designed for older people. Our collective understanding of what later life looks like remains woefully outdated Ever the generation of rebels, they are reinventing life past fifty, as they forge the path others will follow.

10 MHAC Progress Report Mid-Year Review
Community Compact Program includes AF/DF: Massachusetts is the first state to endorse Age- and Dementia Friendly as an aligned strategy for cities and towns Mass. Designated as an Age-Friendly State: One of only two states that are officially part of the AARP Network of Age- Friendly States and Communities Momentum in Communities: Nearly 20 “emerging” communities added and MAGIC (12 communities) joined as the first all-suburban region in the country. Boston and Salem release Year One Progress Reports on Action Plans Age-Friendly Berkshires releases Action Plan

11 MHAC Launching Membership
Membership allows MHAC to: Build the Age-Friendly Movement Be a better strategic partner with organizations, usual suspects Quantify and map activity and recognize champions for their efforts Reach out to unusual suspects, bring into movement Encourage collaboration Connect organizations to “emerging” and “active” Age- and Dementia Friendly Communities

12 MHAC Membership

13 MHAC Membership

14 MHAC Membership

15 Attorney General’s Office
MHAC Network Updates Attorney General’s Office Nesterly

16 Executive Office of Elder Affairs Update
Amanda Bernardo Program Manager – Office of the Secretary Executive Office of Elder Affairs

17 Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative Advisory Council
Amanda Bernardo, Executive Office of Elder Affairs 18 July 2018

18 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA

19 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA Plan and Process
Year One Held 5 in-person meetings including 4 expert panels Reviewed documents and data from thought leaders Held 4 listening sessions across the state Invited input and recommendations via web portal Heard from over 500 individuals across the Commonwealth Drafted initial blueprint Year Two Establish working groups to research, develop and explore potential initiatives Provide recommendations to Governor Baker Establish a plan for communications of the Council’s work and reports Develop metrics to evaluate outcomes and measure success 19

20 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA What the Council Heard
Over nine months the Council held five working meetings and convened four listening sessions throughout the state in addition to collecting public comment online. The result was input from more than 500 Massachusetts residents. 20

21 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA Create an Age-Friendly Commonwealth
Access, Equity, Inclusion Improve Economic Security Ensure Access & Affordability of Services Promote Age-Friendly Communities Facilitate Connection & Engagement Innovation and Technology Community Community 21

22 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA Initial Priorities
Declare Massachusetts as an age-friendly state Include age-friendly best practices in community compact program (new business, economic development, innovation and technology) Promote the designation of age-friendly employers and practices that support mature workers and workers who are caregivers Increase participation in employer sponsored retirement plans and explore options for those without access to employer sponsored plans Support caregivers through increased information and awareness efforts Promote and update property tax deferral programs Consider options, including new sources of capital, for increasing production of accessible, affordable, service enriched housing Quickly scale and replicate successful age-friendly pilots, such as ride-sharing Become the Silicon Valley for innovative technology, products and services related to aging Begin changing perceptions and address ageism with specific trainings and communication tools 22

23 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA Workgroups
Members from the Governor’s Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts, along with topics experts are working on specific proposals in the following areas: Caregiving Employment Housing Innovation and Technology Transportation The workgroups will present proposals to the full Governor’s Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts in October 2018. 23

24 Governor’s Council to Address Aging in MA Workgroups
Caregiving Provide a needs assessment and materials on caregivers in the workplace to employers Increase self-identification of caregivers Increase awareness and coordination of resources, programs for caregivers and older adults Employment Create an age-friendly employer designation (with Caregiving Workgroup) Promote benefits of retirement saving programs and working longer Housing Create a housing production strategy for older adults Develop and adopt design standards to increase accessibility Increase number of people who take advantage of property tax deferral programs Increase access to Resident Service Coordinators in housing complexes Transportation Released a transportation scan of current options in communities Convene stakeholders to better understand opportunities and gaps in offering a “total trip” Leverage and promote existing tools and resources (RideMatch, Travel Training) Support programs to allow people to remain driving and ease the transition Innovation and Technology Optimal Aging Challenge: In Good Company 24

Innovation and Technology Workgroup Optimal Aging Challenge: In Good Company The 2018 Optimal Aging Challenge is global competition to improve healthy aging by leveraging the development of breakthrough technologies, community resources and other solutions to reduce social isolation and loneliness and increase engagement among the older populations. How to Win the In Good Company Challenge In Good Company: The 2018 Optimal Aging Challenge is a $20,000 (USD) global competition to improve healthy aging by leveraging the development of breakthrough technologies, community resources and other solutions to reduce social isolation and loneliness and increase engagement among the older populations. In collaboration with Massachusetts Governor Baker's Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts (MA Aging Council),Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AgeLab (MIT AgeLab), Benchmark Senior Living (Benchmark) and GE Healthcare are seeking ideas across four key pillars: Develop or apply innovative approaches in caregiving Develop or apply innovative approaches in transportation services for seniors Develop or apply innovative elder care housing solutions Develop or apply effective employment or volunteerism opportunities for seniors

26 Age-Friendly State The Governor announced that Massachusetts has been designated by AARP as only the second state in the country to join the organization’s Age-Friendly Network. This designation commits us to making Massachusetts more livable and welcoming for older adults and people of all ages through a diverse network of partners and communities. 26

27 Age-Friendly State April 11th Celebration Event

28 Massachusetts eHealth Institute at Mass Tech Collaborative
Laurance Stuntz Director Massachusetts eHealth Institute at Mass Tech Collaborative

29 The Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI) Digital Health Initiative Aging and Caregiving July 18, 2018

30 MeHI Overview MeHI is the designated state agency for: Coordinating health care innovation, technology and competitiveness Accelerating the adoption of health information technologies Promoting health IT to improve the safety, quality and efficiency of health care in Massachusetts Advancing the dissemination of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings MeHI is a division of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, a state economic development agency

31 MeHI Vision, Mission and Goals
Massachusetts is the global eHealth leader. Our connected communities enjoy better health at lower cost and serve as models of innovation and economic development. To leverage the Commonwealth’s extraordinary digital health infrastructure and expertise to drive innovation in healthcare GOALS Adoption Support Health Reform Consumer eHealth Engagement Mass Digital Health Initiative

32 Digital Health and The 8 Domains of Livability
Built Environment: Orbita (Boston): Orbita is an innovator of connected home healthcare solutions that dramatically increase patient engagement, optimize care coordination, improve outcomes, and reduce costs. Healthcare organizations, device manufacturers and service providers use Orbita's cloud platform and care journey management solutions to create, deploy and manage secure, connected healthcare applications that combine data from wearables and other connected devices into collaborative care experiences. Orbita's voice solutions enable quick, easy development and management of intelligent voice assistants based on Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and other voice platforms. Senter (Marblehead): Senter creates an Internet of Things (IoT) cognitive assistant for longer and healthier aging in place. It is building a simple, voice-based UI/UX in the home in addition to a mobile app for family and caregivers that gives high-level updates as well as seamless interaction with the individual at home. Built Environment/ Community and Health Support: Circulation (Boston): Circulation seamlessly brings together all of the patient and on-demand ride data that medical transportation coordinators need onto a centralized, web-based, secure HIPAA-compliant dashboard. By harnessing the power of data, analytics, and on-demand transportation, Circulation provides a smarter, more affordable way to get patients to and from medical appointments and ensure they get the care they deserve. Community and Health Support: CommunicateHealth (Northampton): CommunicateHealth was founded on one core principle: We think people deserve clear and simple information about their health. We help our clients create products and services that can be easily accessed, understood, and used by the people who need them most. Whether it’s a smart phone app or a pictogram — we will research, design, test, and tweak until we get it right. CareAcademy (Cambridge): CareAcademy provides high quality online classes for in-home caregivers. Medumo (Boston): Medumo provides automated patient instruction through text and reminders, ensuring the right instructions are delivered to the right patient at the right time. Community and Health Support/ Social Environment: Nesterly (Cambridge/Boston): Nesterly helps make intergenerational homesharing safe, transparent, and easy by providing multi-tiered screening, customizable homesharing agreements, and ongoing support. Social Environment: Connected Living (Quincy): Connected Living is the only global technology company that inspires an aging population to connect, contribute, and live a healthier life. Through its unique C3 Engine, Connected Living provides easy to use cloud technology that enables connections - the ConnectedLiving Network; Life long learning programs and content to enhance a senior’s ability to contribute – the ConnectedLiving University; and highly skilled consultants to drive engagement and train staff on procurement and program delivery – ConnectedLiving Consulting. The ConnectedLiving solution revolutionizes the ability for seniors to connect and create change. MatureCaregivers (Waltham): Mature Caregivers is a tech-enabled, in-home elder care delivery service. The Waltham, MA-based firm's focus is matching elder care recipients with age 50+ caregivers and companions sourced from its sister business, Caregivers are vetted, trained and certified through a 10-point credentialing process and matched to your needs. RetirementJobs (Waltham): Our goal is to identify companies most-suited to older workers and match them with active, productive, conscientious, mature adults seeking a job or project that matches their lifestyle.  Rendever (Cambridge): Rendever is an MIT company that takes a human-centered design approach, applying the latest MIT research to deliver affordable, customized virtual reality experiences for people who receive and provide eldercare. Vigorous Mind (Newton): Vigorous Mind offers a web-based Brain Wellness and Social Networking Platform for Senior Living, Home Care and Hospitals. Age-friendly city Image source: Black, Kathy & Badana, Adrian & Hyer, Kathryn. (2016). Caregivers' Considerations on Age-friendly Community Features. Annals of Gerontology and Geriatric Research

33 2017 Caregivers and Digital Health Report
The key findings from the "2017 Caregivers and Digital Health" report are as follows: Massachusetts caregivers are overwhelmingly stressed, depressed, and feel isolated due to their constant, " " lifestyle. The most common challenges for caregivers have nothing to do with the complexities of providing care, according to respondents. More challenging is the time and energy required while trying to balance caregiving with their personal lives and other daily tasks. The most appealing technologies for these home-based caregivers are those that can: Serve as a platform to facilitate peer-to-peer support; Provide access to medical records and/or resources; or Manage and/or consolidate tasks and time. Caregivers are either unaware of the options available to them - OR - are aware of too many options and do not know how to choose between them. ​Caregivers surveyed showed little fear or lack of understanding of the technology, with 96 percent reporting they go online daily. The role of caregiving has a large socio-emotional impact that cannot be ignored. As this impact grows, families are looking for innovative solutions to help them balance the demands of caregiving with the demands of their own lives. Digital health technology can help address the adverse health complications that caregivers face by building communities for peer to peer interaction and support, improving the ability for caregivers to monitor health and medications, and assisting in managing everyday tasks. Innovative technologies also have the potential to help caregivers feel more organized and ultimately more in control.

34 Digital Health Companies - resources and initiatives
MeHI’s Stakeholder Directory Directory of the Massachusetts Digital Health ecosystem Companies and startups, academic and research institutions, venture capital firms, investors, accelerators, healthcare providers, associations, and policymakers MeHI’s Digital Health Marketplace Helps digital health companies find customers that need their products Help customers find solutions that fit their needs Annual Fall Reverse Pitch event Videos from the first Fall Reverse Pitch Caregiving focus for the October 2018 event Sandbox initiative Help startups find clinical “sandbox” partners to test solutions

35 Questions? Stay Connected!
Laurance Stuntz MeHI, Director x201 Judy Iwanski MeHI, Program Manager x 601 Visit our website:

36 Communications Officer Tufts Health Plan Foundation
Frameworks Institute Tools & Techniques Alrie McNiff Daniels Communications Officer Tufts Health Plan Foundation

37 Networking and Action Committee Sign-Up
MHAC Action Committees Access, Equity, and Inclusion: Ensuring Age/Dementia Friendly community work, Age-Friendly State efforts and MHAC strategy promote access, equity and inclusion. Policy and Advocacy: Educating and raising awareness about Age/Dementia Friendly public policy among policymakers and advocacy groups Healthy Aging Champions: Promoting MHAC Membership and working with organizations on crafting/refining commitments Regional Learning Networks – in development: Supporting shared learning and collaboration on Age/Dementia Friendly efforts among cities and towns throughout Massachusetts 1 2 3 4

38 Thank You! James Fuccione:

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