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Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

2 Students take pictures of themselves demonstrating respect at school.
They post the pics to Instagram, and add one of these hashtags: #RespectMyself, #RespectMyCommunity, or #RespectMyEnvironment


4 Ms. Hembree will search the tagged pics, and select weekly winners
Ms. Hembree will search the tagged pics, and select weekly winners! The winners’ photos will be physically posted here at school, and reposted on the school’s official Insta. The winners will also receive special prizes!

5 Get one from your teacher!
Don’t use Instagram? NO PROBLEM! You can draw/paint/collage a post and submit your entry that way! Get one from your teacher!

6 Questions?

7 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

8 2nd Period Discussion: Respect
What does it mean? How do you show respect at home, at school, and in your community? How do you like to be shown respect from others?

9 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

10 3rd Period Discussion: Respect
What does #RespectMyself mean? What does respecting yourself look like? What habits show that you respect yourself?

11 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

12 4th Period Discussion: Respect
What does #RespectMyCommunity mean? How do you show other students respect? How do you show teachers respect? What about coaches, office staff, maintenance staff, and food service staff?

13 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

14 5th Period Discussion: Respect
What does #RespectMyEnvironment look like in the classroom, in the hallways, in the bowl, in the locker room, etc.? What can you do beyond picking up trash?

15 Cobb Middle School #Respect Campaign

16 6th Period Discussion: Respect
What kinds of respect did you talk about in your classes today? What kind of respect do you think you can work on this year? Time to create your first post!!

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