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Sam Dixon, Department of Geography

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1 Sam Dixon, Department of Geography
Forecasting reservoir inflows using remotely sensed precipitation estimates: a pilot study for the River Naryn, Kyrgyzstan Sam Dixon, Department of Geography Source: Dixon and Wilby (2015) Contact:

2 Literature Global flood forecasting systems (e.g. GloFAS)
Kyrgyzstan wide TRMM evaluation (Karaseva et al., 2012) Assessments of climate change impacts on future river flows (Wilby et al., 2011; Sorg et al., 2012) Seasonal forecasting of runoff for large basins within Central Asia (Baumgartner et al., 2000) Looking North across Toktogul reservoir (Source: Panoramio, 2007)

3 Aims To assess the accuracy of a remotely sensed precipitation estimate (TRMM) for the strategically significant Naryn river basin, Kyrgyzstan. To investigate the potential for river flow forecasting based on remotely sensed precipitation, surface temperature and gauged discharge, over monthly to seasonal horizons.

4 Methodology Comparison of TRMM estimates to Naryn gauge observations
Tests for normality of data All TRMM cells, including permutations of concurrent and lagged cells, as well as moving average correlated with monthly flow at Toktogul Combinations of predictor variable, averaging period and lag interval used to develop multiple linear regression models of monthly inflow Models’ skill assessed via cross validation

5 Results Monthly total precipitation recorded by the gauge at Naryn compared with the nearest (top) 0.5° TRMM and (bottom) 0.25° TRMM cell Correlation between nearest 0.5° TRMM estimates and gauge daily (top) and monthly (bottom) precipitation at Naryn Source: Dixon and Wilby (2015)

6 Results Correlation (r) of gauged flows with lagged predictors averaged over one-six months: temperature (T); precipitation measured at Naryn (PN); precipitation estimates from TRMM for the basin area (PA), and optimum location (PO). For n = 130 and at p = 0.05 significance level, rcrit = 0.17. Source: Dixon and Wilby (2015)

7 Results Cross-validation results for ZOF, Q1, Q2 and Q3 models
Metric ZOF Q1 Q2 Q3 R2adj (%) 81 89 85 84 Nash- Sutcliffe Coeff. 0.797 0.878 0.829 0.818 Cross-validation results for ZOF, Q1, Q2 and Q3 models Cross-validated model forecasts with lead-time one (Q1), two (Q2) and three (Q3) months compared with long-term monthly mean discharge (ZOF). Source: Dixon and Wilby (2015)

8 Conclusions and further study
Correlations between observed precipitation at Naryn and 0.5° TRMM totals are weaker for daily than monthly totals >80% of the variance in monthly inflows is explained with three month lead, and up to 65% for summer half-year average Plans to develop non-linear statistical or deterministic algorithms Forecast tools for other environmental hazards affecting reservoir operations Dixon, S.G. & Wilby, R.L. (2015) Forecasting reservoir inflows using remotely sensed precipitation estimates: a pilot study for the River Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI:

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