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Refining the Quality of your Photographs.

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Presentation on theme: "Refining the Quality of your Photographs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refining the Quality of your Photographs.
ISO & White Balance Refining the Quality of your Photographs.

2 ISO ISO plays a vital role on your digital camera.
ISO indicates your digital camera’s sensitivity to light. The higher the number, the less light is needed to take a photo that is correctly exposed (not too dark or too light).

3 Bright Lighting Situations
In bright light (like the middle of a sunny day), you’ll normally use ISO 50 or ISO 100. These lowest settings can be used because there is an abundance of light.

4 Shooting in darker situations
In lower light, your camera needs some help. There are two ways of doing this: Decrease Shutter Speed Increase ISO Rather than decrease the shutter speed, you can increase the ISO. This will increase the sensitivity of the camera. Thus the shutter speed can be kept low enough to avoid blurry images.

5 Shooting in darker situations

6 Different ISO Settings

7 White Balance White balance (WB) is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo.

8 White Balance Different lighting situations cause different color casts. The auto white balance (AWB) doesn’t always give you the best result, so you can adjust yourself manually.

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