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Classifying Quadrilaterals

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1 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 Pages Exercises , rectangle, rhombus, square 2. parallelogram 3. trapezoid , rhombus 5. kite 6. trapezoid, isosc. trapezoid 7. rhombus 8. parallelogram 9. rhombus 10. rectangle 11. kite 12. isosc. trapezoid 13. rhombus 14. kite 6-1

2 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 15. trapezoid 16. rectangle 17. quadrilateral 18. isos. trapezoid 19. x = 11, y = 29; 13, 13, 23, 23 20. x = 4, y = 4.8; 4.5, 4.5, 6.8, 6.8 21. x = 2, y = 6; 2, 7, 7, 2 22. x = 1; 4, 4, 4, 9 23. x = 3, y =5; 15, 15, 15, 15 24. x = 5, y = 4; 3, 3, 3, 3 25. 40, 40, 140, 140; 11, 11, 15, 32 6-1

3 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 26. 58, 58, 122, 122; 6, 6, 6, 6 27. rectangle, square, trapezoid 28. Check students’ work Answers may vary. Samples are given. 29. 30. 31. Impossible; a trapezoid with one rt. must have another, since two sides are . 32. 33. 6-1

4 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 34. 35. A rhombus has sides, while a kite has 2 pairs of adj. sides , but no opp. sides are Opp. sides of a rhombus 35. (continued) are , while opp. sides of a kite are not . 36. 37. True; a square is both a rectangle and a rhombus. 38. False; a trapezoid only has one pair of sides. 6-1

5 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 39. False; a kite does not have opp. sides. 40. True; all squares are 41. False; kites are not . 42. False; only rhombuses with rt. are squares. 43. Rhombuses; all 4 sides are because they come 43. (continued) from the same cut. Check students’ work. 46. some isos. trapezoids, some trapezoids. , rhombus, rectangle, square 48. rectangle, square 49. rhombus, square, kite, some trapezoids 50. A trapezoid has only one pair of sides. Check students’ sketches. 51. rectangle, , kite 52. rhombus, 53. square, rhombus, 54. rhombus, , kite s s s 6-1

6 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 55. Answers may vary. Sample: a. N can be anywhere on the can be anywhere on the y-axis except (0, 0), (0, 2), and (0, –2). b. For points N mentioned 55. b. (continued) above, KL = LM and KN = NM, but KL KN. Explanations may vary. Samples are given. , rectangle, trapezoid , kite, rhombus, trapezoid, isos. Trapezoid. 58. kite, , rhombus, trapezoid, isos. trapezoid , rectangle, square, rhombus, kite, trapezoid 60. C 61. I 62. C 63. H = / 6-1

7 Classifying Quadrilaterals
GEOMETRY LESSON 6-1 64. [2] Slope of AB is – . The slope of BC is 1, so AB and BC are not Since one is not a right and a rectangle requires all to be right , the figure could not be a rectangle. [1] incorrect slope OR failure to recognize the information 64. [1] (continued) provided by the slopes. 65. Yes; the sum of the lengths of any 2 sides is greater than the third side. 66. No; 67. No; mm mm mm 71. 82 72. 90 73. 58 74. y = –3x + 4 3 2 s s > > 6-1

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