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Conflict, Collapse and Climax

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1 Conflict, Collapse and Climax
Scene Four Conflict, Collapse and Climax

2 Summary Setting=Marie’s house.
Nora and Cassie talk about Cassie’s marriage and Nora believes Cassie should be grateful for her life and that she should just make the best of it. Nora mourns the loss of her peach polyester. Nora leaves hurt after Cassie tells her she is leaving. Cassie tells Marie about her affair with Michael. Marie insists she leaves her home. Deirdre brings back Cassie’s money. She uses her knife to demand the truth about Michael- her biological father. Marie says she can say nothing of benefit and uses the knife to destroy the picture. Deirdre tries to return the stolen clothes and is invited to stay for breakfast when she tries to leave.

3 Conflict Scene four is in essence a sequence of conflicts which are brought about by the need to confront the truth which has been avoided for so long. These conflicts are between: -Cassie and Nora -Cassie and Marie -Deirdre and Marie

4 1- Cassie and Nora Focal point of conflict is differing views of the men in their lives. Copy and complete the following table to record their differing opinions: Opinion of Sean (Quote to support) Opinion of Joe (Quote to support) Cassie Nora

5 Cassie’s Admission ‘I never hated you… I just wanted you to make it happen different.’ -What does this quote reveal about Cassie and the reason for her poor relationship with Nora? ‘Mummy’s heart is made of steel. She had to grow it that way.’ -Does this quote represent a change in Cassie’s way of viewing her mother? Why do you think this?

6 2. Cassie and Marie Cassie is forced to confront reality when it is revealed that the money which represented her means of escape has been stolen. Her hurt may explain her decision to reveal her affair with Michael. She wants to force Marie to confront reality in the same way she has been made to in this scene.

7 A Strike Against AN Artificial Reality
Cassie is bewildered by Marie’s apparent happiness. When she claims to have ‘a lot to be thankful for,’ Cassie points out the reality of the situation: ‘You’ve two wee boys growing out of their clothes faster than you can get them new ones, a part-time job licking envelopes for a wage that wouldn’t keep a budgie and three red bills on your mantelpiece there.’ 1- Explain fully what problems Marie faces using your own words as far as possible. 2- What does this blunt assessment of Marie’s position reveal about Cassie’s personality?

8 The Truth About Michael
Cassie learns that Marie continues to gain strength from her memory of the loving relationship she enjoyed with Michael. Just as Cassie refused to acknowledge the reality of her father’s violence, Marie is shown to be in denial about Michael’s infidelity despite hearing numerous reports. She retains faith in her husband’s honesty. Cassie destroys this by revealing her affair with Michael.

9 Questions 1- How does Marie react to Cassie’s disclosure of the truth about Michael? 2- In what ways has the relationship between Marie and Cassie changed because of this revelation? 3- After Cassie leaves Marie tries to repeat her incantation about Michael but is unable to finish it. Why does she repeat the incantation at this point in the play? What does her inability to finish tell us about the impact of the truth?

10 3. Deirdre and Marie 1- What does Deirdre reveal to Marie in this scene? 2- In scene one, Deirdre wanted to acquire a knife as part of her pursuit for the truth. What truth does she hope to obtain from Marie? 3- When Marie wrestles the knife from Deirdre she uses it to destroy the picture of Michael. Why is this a significant event in the play? 4- What do we learn about Deirdre home life in this scene? Does this change your feelings towards this character. Explain your answer fully.

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