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Inter-calibration of the SEVIRI solar bands against MODIS Aqua, using Deep Convective Clouds as transfer targets Sébastien Wagner, Tim Hewison In collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-calibration of the SEVIRI solar bands against MODIS Aqua, using Deep Convective Clouds as transfer targets Sébastien Wagner, Tim Hewison In collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-calibration of the SEVIRI solar bands against MODIS Aqua, using Deep Convective Clouds as transfer targets Sébastien Wagner, Tim Hewison In collaboration with D. Doelling and D. Morstad (NASA) Contact:

2 Outline Context (GSICS)
Current calibration system (for the reflective bands) Inter-calibration with MODIS using DCCs Main steps Some results Conclusions and future work

3 Context... GSICS What is GSICS?
Initiative of CGMS and WMO Effort to produce consistent, well-calibrated data from the international constellation of Earth Observing satellites What are the basic strategies of GSICS? Improve on-orbit calibration by developing an integrated inter-calibration system (GEO-LEO, LEO-LEO) Best practices for prelaunch characterisation (with CEOS WGCV) Benefits: Improve consistency between instruments Reduce bias in Level 1 and 2 products Provide traceability of measurements Retrospectively re-calibrate archive data Better specify future instruments EUMETSAT CNES JMA NOAA CMA KMA ISRO NASA WMO USGS NIST JAXA ROSHYDROMET IMD ESA

4 Context... GSICS principles
Systematic generation of inter-calibration products For Level 1 data from passive satellite sensors (weather, climate and other environmental applications) To compare, monitor and correct the calibration of monitored instruments to community references By generating calibration corrections (NRT / Re-analysis applications) with specified uncertainties Through well-documented, peer-reviewed procedures Based on various techniques to ensure consistent and robust results Delivery to users Free and open access Adopting community standards To promote Greater understanding of instruments’ absolute calibration More accurate and more globally consistent retrievals Inter-operability for more accurate environmental, climate and weather forecasting products TRACEABILITY / UNBROKEN CHAINS OF COMPARISONS

5 GSICS in context GSICS Users GOS Level 1b/c Data (Radiances) SCOPE CM
Corrections Statement of Needs SCOPE CM NWP centres Developers of Lev2/3 products ...

6 What about the SEVIRI solar band calibration (GOS box)?
4 solar channels ( VIS06 / VIS08 / NIR16 / HRVIS ) Specifications for the solar channel calibration? SEVIRI = 10% accuracy + 5% long-term stability Achieved by vicarious calibration  SEVIRI Solar Channel Calibration syst. (Govaerts et al., TGRS2004) Reference = RTM simulations of Top-Of-Atmosphere radiances (evaluated against well-calibrated polar-orbiting instruments) Comparison with TOA measured signal above desert and ocean targets Currently: Meteosat 8: launch = 28/08/2002  operation = 19/01/2004 Meteosat 9: launch = 21/12/2005  operation = 18/07/2006 Meteosat 10: launch = 05/07/2012 VIS06 NIR16 HRVIS VIS08

7 Using Deep Convective Clouds as transfer target for inter-calibration of SEVIRI with Aqua/MODIS
DCCs = invariant targets Available all around the Earth (not the case for desert for example)  seen by all GEO satellites Well characterized and easily detectable (infra-red threshold) Higher part of the dynamic range Seen by well calibrated instruments on board polar satellites  calibration transfer targets Outcome: Improved calibration and long term monitoring of the instruments Consistent calibration across the GEO satellite constellation Within the GSICS framework: ATBD as provided by D. Doelling et al., 2011 ( Use of MODIS Aqua as a reference Within EUMETSAT, two-fold approach: Implementation of an inter-calibration algorithm based on the use of DCCs for VIS06 Development of a vicarious calibration algorithm to be added to the current SSCC system (absolute calibration + drift monitoring)

8 Main steps of the method as in Doelling et al, 2011
DCC identification Time: for MET-9 (0.0 Lat / 0.0 Lon)  11:00 < t < 13:00 Geometry: Lat / Lon between 0.0 and +/ degrees (with respect to the SSP) SZA and VZA < 40 degrees DCC identification  threshold using the MODIS 11m band and SEVIRI 10.8 m (BT<205K) Spatial homogeneity (over boxes of pixels in the “11 m” BT + in the “0.6 m” radiances) Conversion from counts to overhead sun + spectral transformation to account for Spectral Response Function differences between MODIS and SEVIRI Use of an Angular Distribution Model (Hu model, Hu et al. 2004) Use of correction factors as given by the GSICS ATBD (Doelling et al, 2011) Construction of the Probability Density Functions on a monthly basis Derivation of the gain from the calibration equation:

9 Example of DCCs tracking with MODIS and SEVIRI as implemented
Aqua/MODIS 11m Met-9/SEVIRI 10.8m Missing DCCS due to test on VZA Test on the view zenith angle MODIS Aqua (01/04/2010 – 13:00) SEVIRI Met-9 (01/04/2010 – 12:57)

10 Preliminary results for a few cases...
MODIS Aqua DCC radiance – 0.6 m SEVIRI Met-9 DCC counts – 0.6 m What is wrong??? Shift in the PDFs + double peaking for 07/2008 Shift in the PDFs Statistical uncertainty u / mean < 0.2% With  Sampling pb, but not only... Derived gain for Julys 2008 2009 2011 2010 2012 1.2 % 1.7 % -2.8% -5.7 %

11 Conclusions Implementation of the GSICS ATBD still on-going (uncertainty analysis still missing) Limited to the VIS06 band Still some issues to be solved Questions: What about the other visible channels (VIS08 and HRVIS)? What about Rapid Scan Data? (limited spatial coverage) Once problems are solved  Development of a vicarious calibration algorithm to be added to the current SSCC system (absolute calibration + drift monitoring) For the NIR16, we would be sensitive to ice crystal. So it is more difficult to do.

12 Thank you

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