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2 We know that every sentence must have a verb.
There is more to verbs, however, that we need to know. Verbs are very important in writing because verbs convey certain characteristics.


4 an indication of WHEN something happens
TENSE an indication of WHEN something happens While it can be a bit more involved, we are focusing on the three simple tenses: PAST PRESENT FUTURE

5 “Regular” verbs play played “Irregular” verbs write wrote written
type typed jump jumped “Irregular” verbs write wrote written sing sang sung eat ate eaten

6 How does TENSE affect our writing? Writers need to avoid shifts in
verb tense; keep tense consistent.

7 I still cannot believe what happened yesterday. Storm clouds
darkened the blue sky as I rode my bike home from the park. I never saw clouds like that before, and the wind shook the trees violently. I couldn’t seem to pedal fast enough. Up ahead, I saw my house and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as I walked in the door, I knew something was up. My mother explained that news reports were saying that a big storm was coming. Suddenly, I heard a loud pop! Then there was another pop! And another! I raced to look out the window and saw hail the size of golf balls falling all over my street. I was so thankful I made it home before it started falling!

8 MOOD an indication of the writer’s attitude
Indicative –states an apparent fact Interrogative—indicates a question Imperative—states a command or request Conditional—states a possibility Subjunctive—expresses a doubt, desire, imaginary situation, or condition contrary to fact

9 The trickiest to identify is subjunctive mood.
Recognizing the pattern of subjunctive is key. -the verbs “be” and “were” are clues I require that students be on time for class. If I were you, I would study for the test. I would buy a new car if I were to win the lottery. School is cancelled if it were to get cold and icy. The teacher insists that students be quiet in the library. -certain verbs are also clues (see notes for list)

10 Examples of the Subjunctive Mood
Here are some examples of verbs in the subjunctive mood: I wish it were still in use. (it was becomes it were) The board recommended that the motion be passed immediately. (motion is passed becomes motion be passed) She suggests that Mark work full time from Saturday. (Mark works becomes Mark work) The referee insisted that the game begin at once. (game begins becomes game begin)

11 VOICE ACTIVE---the subject doing the action
PASSIVE—the subject is acted upon A= Tom hit a homerun. P= The homerun was hit by Tom. A= Students ate the fruit salad. P= The fruit salad was eaten by the students. A= The teacher summarized the lessons. P= The lessons were summarized by the teacher.

12 Sequence of notes: 31 H Verbs and Tense I Notes on verbs 31 J Verbs and Mood

13 *recognize / identify voice
VERBS and VOICE *recognize / identify voice *write using both active and passive voice *understand the impact on our writing

14 VOICE ACTIVE---the subject doing the action
PASSIVE—the subject is acted upon The teacher unlocked the door. Students from 8th grade read the AM and PM announcements.

15 A trophy was given to the winning team.
This history project was completed by my friend and me.

16 On the back of your HW paper, write
TWO sentences using ACTIVE voice and TWO sentences using PASSIVE voice.

17 How does voice impact my writing???
Characteristics of quality writing: clear vague too wordy unclear concise vivid precise easy to understand

18 Active voice is clear and precise; therefore,
in most academic writing, use the active voice. Passive voice can be vague and unclear. EX: Music was played. (by whom??) The winning shot was made!! (by whom?)

19 How does voice impact my writing??? Avoid SHIFTS in voice
within sentences. He could not remember if the bathroom door had been locked by him. (ACTIVE) (PASSIVE) He could not remember if he had locked the bathroom door. (ACTIVE) (ACTIVE) .

20 Begin work on the SI assignment on VOICE.

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