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Practical and OS-Driven Power Management

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Presentation on theme: "Practical and OS-Driven Power Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical and OS-Driven Power Management
Chris Ragsdale

2 Intro Data is stored as ones and zeros…
What does this actually look like? How exactly does electricity power computers?

3 Layout Electricity Fundamentals Relating to Computers
Inside the CPU Inside Memory What does the Power Supply do? Primary Power Consumers in Computers CPU, Memory, HDD, Wifi transmitter/receiver, Display/GPU Power Management I/O States - Windows and OS X OS power management techniques for Memory, HDD and Wifi receiver

4 Fundamentals CPU Memory Power Supply

5 Fundamentals - The CPU

6 Fundamentals - Memory

7 Fundamentals - Power Supply

8 Primary Power Consumers
CPU Memory HDD Wireless Transmitter / Receiver Display / GPU

9 Primary Power Consumers - CPU
Clock cycle, Voltage and Power Consumption related Cycle and voltage directly related Power = Voltage^2 Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling Adaptive Frequency Scaling

10 Primary Power Consumers - Memory
Power floor Capacitors constantly leaking, must be refilled Low power effects overall system efficiency

11 Primary Power Consumers - HDD

12 Primary Power Consumers - Wifi transmitter/receiver

13 Primary Power Consumers - Display/GPU

14 Power Management I/O Device States Examples Windows OS X Memory HDD

15 Power Management - I/O States
Similar to Process States Allow OS to utilize Dynamic Power Switching (DPS) Sleep, Hibernate

16 I/O States - Windows States: D0, D1, D2, D3
0 = fully on, 1 = less power, 2 = even less power, 3 = minimum power <-> off Each state tracks device data Power Consumption Device Context Driver Behavior Restore Time Wake-Up Capability

17 I/O States - OS X States: On, Reduced-Power, Intermediate, Off
Intermediate = minimum state-retaining power States track following data Current state capabilities (booleans) Power Parent requirements Power Children requirements Power state structure version

18 Memory Power Management
When processor is idle For a short time... For a long time...

19 HDD Power Management When is it worth it to power down the HDD?

20 Wifi Receiver Power Management
Computer / router cooperation Router information buffer

21 Thank You!

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