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MSG-052 Knowledge Network for Federation Architecture and Design

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1 MSG-052 Knowledge Network for Federation Architecture and Design
Björn Löfstrand Gunnar Öhlund Dr. Fawzi Hassaine

2 Outline NATO RTO Organization Overview
MSG-052 Premises and Problem Description Knowledge Network and Communities of Practice Process and Tools Challenges Conclusions and Summary 07F-SIW-024

3 Civil Military NATO RTO Organization North Atlantic Council (NAC)
NATO Civilian Organisation (CNAD) MILITARY COMMITTEE The RTOs purpose is to maintain Tech lead of NATO and conduct and promote cooperative research RTO Reports to both the military and civil parts of NATO organisation Research & Technology Organisation NATO Military Organisation MAIN ARMAMENT GROUPS NIAG INDUSTRY 07F-SIW-024

4 Research and Technology Organization (RTO)
The objective of NATO's Research & Technology Organization (RTO) is to Support development and effective use of national defense research & technology to meet the military needs of the Alliance Maintain a technological lead, and Provide advice to NATO and national decision makers. Permanent panels/groups for NATO and its nations, plus partner nations. 07F-SIW-024

5 RTO Panels and Groups Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT)
Human Factors & Medicine (HFM) Information Systems Technology (IST) System Analysis & Studies (SAS) Systems Concepts & Integration (SCI) Sensors & Electronics technology (SET) Modelling & Simulation Group (MSG) This slide shows the six Level II Panels and the Modelling and Simulation Group (MSG) within the RTA organisation. Each Panel deals with a different subject area and comprises National subject matter experts. The MSG is designated a Group rather than a Panel to signify that the Group primarily deals with the application of M&S research. Modelling and Simulation Group Terms Of Reference The Mission of the NATO Modelling and Simulation (M&S) Group (NMSG) is to promote co-operation among Alliance bodies, NATO Member Nations and PfP Nations to maximise the effective utilisation of M&S. Primary mission areas include M&S standardisation, education, and associated science and technology. The Group will provide M&S expertise in support of the tasks and projects within the RTO and from other NATO organisations. 07F-SIW-024

6 NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG)
The mission of the NMSG is to promote cooperation among Alliance bodies, NATO member nations and Partner nations to maximise the effective utilisation of M&S. Primary mission areas include: M&S standardisation, education, and associated science and technology. The group will provide M&S expertise in support of the tasks and projects within the RTO and from other NATO bodies. 07F-SIW-024

7 MSG-052 Participation and Organization
NATO RTO NMSG MSG-052 Management Group Federation Architecture and Design CoP 07F-SIW-024

8 MSG-052 Premises Knowledge of “good design” is gained through hands-on experience, trial-and-error and experimentation. Architecture and design issues are continuously being addressed during federation development. Common “proven” architectural and design principles or design patterns can be reused and applied when building new federations. This will increase compatibility, performance, stability and interoperability between systems. There is no real lack of experience in the field. This type of knowledge is, however, seldom reused and rarely shared in an effective manner 07F-SIW-024

9 Problem Expert knowledge of federation architecture and design is not readily available Knowledge is limited to the few expert practitioners and not available to the wider M&S community Lack of characterization and description of common federation architecture and design issues and solutions Lack of coordination/harmonization and standardization of federation architecture and design patterns 07F-SIW-024

10 FEDEP and LCIM 6 5 4 3 1 Perform Conceptual Analysis 2 Analyze Data and Evaluate Results 7 Define Federation Objectives Design Federation Develop Federation Plan, Integrate, and Test Federation Execute Federation and Prepare Outputs Conceptual Level (common understanding of information) Pragmatic/Dynamic Level (common use of information) Semantic Level (information exchange) Syntactic Level (data exchange) Technical Level (IP) Le vels of interoperability 07F-SIW-024

11 MSG-052 Objectives Main Objective Initiate a Knowledge Network for Federation Architecture and Design Sub-objective 3 Document and share knowledge, via a Knowledge Base, and with the modeling and simulation community in general Sub-objective 2 Organize specialist Workshops where information about federation architecture- and design issues/solutions are discussed and when needed followed by experimentation. Sub-objective 1 Establish a Community of Practice, consisting of federation development experts from NATO and NATO/PfP nations 07F-SIW-024

12 This is NOT a Community of Interest !
Community of Practice A Community of Practice (CoP) is group of people who share similar goals and interests. In pursuit of these goals and interests, they employ common practices, work with the same tools and express themselves in a common language. Through such common activity, they come to hold similar beliefs and value systems. MSG-052 Federation Architecture and Design CoP The CoP we are establishing within MSG-052 is focused on Federation Architecture and Design. Common practices, solutions and standards for designing federated systems are of shared interest. Currently membership is by appointment only. The national/org. representative in the MSG-052 Management Group can appoint members to this CoP by requesting that individuals are added as users of this workspace. As a member of this CoP you must contribute! This is NOT a Community of Interest ! 07F-SIW-024

13 CoP Dimensions There must be a series of connections that individuals have to others. In other words, individuals must perceive themselves to be part of a network (structural dimension). A sense of trust must be developed across these connections (relational dimension). The members of the network must have a common interest or share a common understanding of issues facing the organization (the cognitive dimension). 07F-SIW-024

14 MSG-052 CoP Main Tasks Identify, Categorize and Describe Architecture and Design Issues Prioritize Architecture and Design Issues Identify and Describe Common Solutions to Prioritized Issues Provide input to improve the way the CoP operates including feedback on supporting tools & processes Document result from Workshops Report to Management Group 07F-SIW-024

15 Process We are HERE! 07F-SIW-024 Generate National/Org Input
on WS Topic Workshop Management Meeting Management Meeting We are HERE! Example Outline - Input Issue Description Issue Breakdown Terminology/Definitions Approaches and General Solution Patterns Proposals Current/Future solutions Engineering Support, Examples, Use Cases Finalisation/ Experimentation T T+4w T+12w T+18w T+24w Workshop Topic #2 Engage Experts Management Meeting CWE Decide on Topic for next WS Decide on WS results Decide on Experimentation Decide Topic for next WS Knowledge Base 07F-SIW-024

16 Federation Architecture and Design Topics
Federation Management Topic Fault Tolerance Topic Federation Configuration Topic Federation Execution Control Topic Federation Execution Monitoring Topic Federation Test Topic Scenario Management Topic Scenario Configuration Management Topic Scenario Generation Topic Scenario Allocation Topic Scenario Initialization Topic Scenario Execution Control Issue Execution Evaluation Topic Data Collection Topic Data Logging Topic Common Natural Environment Topic Visualization Topic Federation Agility Topic 07F-SIW-024

17 07F-SIW-024

18 1st Workshop February 2007 Stocholm Sweden 30+ participants
Workshop Topics Federation Agreement Federation Agility Taxonomy of Federation Architecture and Design Issues Federation and Scenario Management 07F-SIW-024

19 2nd Workshop September 2007 Suffolk VA, USA 20+ participants
Workshop topics LVCAR (joint workshop) Federation Management 07F-SIW-024

20 Workshop (upcoming) 3rd Workshop March 3-7 2008 The Hauge, Netherlands
Main Topics Federation Execution Control Federation Agreements Experimentation Planning 4th Workshop Nov (prelininary) Portsmouth, UK Experimentation 07F-SIW-024

21 Collaborative Working Environment
Wiki-based solution Collaborative Writing Peer-review Threaded commenting Page attachments/uploads Hyperlinking and text search Confluence Enterprise Wiki Webbased Advanced user rights management 07F-SIW-024

22 CWE Issues Who is the author?
What happens if someone deletes what I have written? What if we do not agree? Arbitration ? Code of conduct Moderated vs unmoderated discussions? 07F-SIW-024

23 CoP Member Statistics Metric Count Total number of CoP members 50
Total number of Countries/Organizations represented in CoP 9 Total number of Companies/Organizations represented in CoP 34 07F-SIW-024

24 Challenges Cultural Changes
from a top-down team-oriented approach to a bottom-up community approach unfinished thoughts and ideas are reluctantly shared Knowledge representation Highly structured documentation and repositories vs. wiki based free text representation Some structure is needed. How much ? IPR and Publication NATO and NATO/PfP Releasability to wider M&S community How to apply the NMSG-SISO TCA 07F-SIW-024

25 Conclusions MSG-052 does not produce standards, nor does it recommend practices in SISO terms. MSG-052 attempts to establish a community and forum where experts on Federation Architecture and Design join to meet, discuss and share lessons learned. MSG-052 encourages the members of the CoP to engage in bringing some of the results from our work to SISO as papers (2 papers at this Fall SIW) and study groups. Once a topic gains enough consensus within the CoP the time might also be right to start standardization efforts. 07F-SIW-024

26 Your MSG-052 Management Group Representative


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