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Food Science The study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food Includes the fields of biology, botany, physiology, zoology, bacteriology,

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Presentation on theme: "Food Science The study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food Includes the fields of biology, botany, physiology, zoology, bacteriology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Science The study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food Includes the fields of biology, botany, physiology, zoology, bacteriology, chemistry and physics Covers everything from coloring, texture, flavor, preservation….

2 History Curiosity leading to the investigation of how physical laws affect food 1626 Sir Francis Bacon stuffed a chicken with snow to see if freezing preserved the chicken

3 CookBooks? Like early Food science text books
Recipes are simply the end product of trial and error of a cook

4 Science & Nutrition Veggie Burgers Freezing Vegetables Soy Milk

5 Production Processing Evaluation Use Marketing

6 Production Raising Crops and Animals for food Role of Biotechnology
Food Processing affects price Promote Biodiversity Variety of plants & animals

7 Processing Takes produced food and puts it into the final marketable results Researcher Quality control specialist Which product where Correct food labeling

8 Preparation Aid in determining times, temperatures…
The scientist help answer the “whys” of cooking

9 Evaluation “Will people buy this product?”
Test kitchens/evaluation laboratories Refine taste, texture, appearance… Systematically vary ingredients and preparation

10 Utilization of Food Food has more uses than eating
The most from every resource gains urgency

11 Food Science Teaches You…
Proper food storage = saving lives Study food science = improve your cooking skills Many people have food science knowledge = ask people to share what interesting things they know about food and food preparation

12 Food Science can Decrease Environmental Impacts
Decrease waste = eat your utensils Breed hardier plants = reduce need for chemicals Food Science = going green Change packaging = no need to refrigerate Dry more foods = lighter shipping weight

13 Sustainable Farming Producing food by natural methods that fit with local needs and conditions. Grow native plants Graze cows instead of plants IPM (integrated pest management) control pests with nonchemical deterrents Manage rather than overwhelm

14 Biotechnology Biology and technology combine: take living organisms and modify them to change or improve the end product. Concerns: Unintentional cross pollination with organic crops Food labeling Allergies

15 Biotech Controversy 1 Argument: To meet demand Genetically modified (GM) crops are necessary 2 Argument: hunger crisis related to food distribution, politics not production

16 Biotechnology Pros Cons Traits to make more pest resistant crops
Detect genetic/hereditary disorders Artificially produce vital hormones or proteins Genetic pollution, artificial produced species spread Side-effects, known and unknown Expensive May harbor new strains of diseases

17 More Pros Increasing yield
Increase crop tolerance to heat, drought, environment Increased protein Healthier oils Conserve soil and energy Reduce greenhouse gases Minimize use of toxic herbicides

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