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Professional Services Collaborative Forum July 13, 2017

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1 Professional Services Collaborative Forum July 13, 2017

2 Welcome & Introductions

3 Workload & Alternatives
Kyle Dilbert, Engineering Contracts Manager & Maggie Molinas, Consultant Contracts Manager Megan Coontz McAllister

4 Workload Factor - Status at CDOT
Workload History: Suspended July 2016 Terminated permanently in January 2017

5 Workload - Federal Requirements
Terminated due to Federal requirements (23 CFR 172.7): Scoring criteria “must assess the demonstrated competence and qualifications” Certain nonqualifications-based evaluation criteria is permitted if they “do not exceed a nominal value of 10 percent of the total evaluation criteria to maintain the integrity of a qualifications-based selection”

6 Workload Factor - Goals
Per State statute (CRS ), evaluation should have the objective of “equitable distribution of contracts among qualified persons as long as such distribution does not violate the principle of selection of the most highly qualified person” CDOT’s goal is to provide new and small firms opportunities in creative and compliant ways.

7 Workload- What the future holds
Engineering Contracts is evaluating several alternatives: Tiered approach (used on recent NPS contracts) Evaluation factors Open to any and all new ideas

8 Upcoming Opportunities Ad Date (Anticipated or Current)
Region Project Name Ad Date (Anticipated or Current) 1 R1 NPS Design – ADA Ramps 6/29/2017 (SOIs due 7/20/2017) Statewide Statewide NPS Tunnels 7/06/2017 (SOIs due 7/27/2017) 3, 5 Western Slope NPS Survey/ROW 7/13/2017 (SOIs due 8/03/2017) 2 R2 NPS Design – ADA Ramps End of July/Early August HQ, 1, 2, 4 Front Range NPS General Engineering End of July 4 R4 PS US 34 Resurfacing Fort Morgan to Brush Early August

9 Mentor-Protégé Program
Mission The purpose of the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program is to provide opportunities for Emerging Small Businesses (ESB) to hone their business skills by working closely with established firms in highway construction or design. The program assists CDOT and the transportation industry in general to build a more effective diverse consultant base for the future.

10 Mentor-Protégé Program
Team on own and apply to CDOT to participate in the program. Teams must submit a quarterly update survey. Teams must identify goal(s) of relationship and create a plan to achieving goal(s) Team approved for one calendar year, but may apply for up to two years We expect a maximum of 6 firms will be selected each year To Apply: submit the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program Application Applications due November 1st.

11 Mentor-Protégé Program Requirements
Must do construction or professional services work in the transportation sector Mentor and protégé may not have previous employment ties that would appear to compromise the independence (in accordance with DBE and ESB criteria) of the protégé . Protégés must meet the following criteria: Existing in business for at least 2 consecutive years; Revenue of at least $250,000 annually; Have a minimum of (2) full time employees (including owner); Past performance on highway construction or professional services contracts; Pursuing transportation-related contracts; AND Have CDOT ESB certification. Mentors must meet the following criteria: Worked on a minimum of 10 CDOT projects as a prime or a sub; Prequalified with CDOT; Have skills and capacity to assist a protégé business; AND Have a commitment to assisting small and diverse firms in the transportation sector. Preferred: (1) Mentor currently working on a CDOT project with intention of using Protégé (2) Protégés that have completed Connect2DOT’s Leading Edge for Transportation or US DOT’s Bond Education course (3) Mentor-protégé pair that have worked together in the past.

12 Mentor-Protégé Program Incentives
May receive 2 points for the participation of a protégé that participated in the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program with the mentor in the past 3 years. This can be used for two awarded contracts. Mentors may receive a financial incentive or double ESB participation on design-build projects for the participation of a protégé that participated in the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program with the mentor in the past 3 years, to be dictated by project. Mentor-protégé teams may be eligible for a bonus as part of the financial incentive for CDOT low-bid selection construction contracts. Mentors may receive $2,000 for at least $20,000 of participation by a protégé that participated in the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program with the mentor in the past 3 years. Mentors may receive $5,000 for at least $50,000 of participation by a protégé that participated in the CDOT Mentor-Protégé Program with the mentor in the past 3 years. Mentors may receive a financial stipend for time spent with the protégé. To receive the financial stipend, firms must submit an invoice at the completion of a program milestone identified in the team’s Mentor-Protégé Program Plan. Special Recognition (to internal and external stakeholders, including newsletter announcement, internal CDOT communication, recognition before the Transportation Commission). *All incentives subject to funding and feasibility determination.

13 Mentor-Protégé Program Disqualification
Protégés may be disqualified if they: Graduate from the ESB program. Are unwilling to be an active participant in the program. Miss more than two meetings with mentors. Engage in fraud or a misrepresentation to participate in the program. Mentors may be disqualified if they: Do not provide quarterly update survey. Miss more than two meetings with protégés. Fail to meet the ESB targets or goals on three or more projects.

14 CDOT’s New Training Module
ESB Orientation Introduction to Bidding on CDOT Construction Projects

15 Save The Date! How to Do Business with Transportation Agencies:
Colorado Small Business Collaboration Conference PPA Event Center 2105 Decatur St, Denver, CO 80211 September 21, 2017 8am - 5:30pm

16 Updates to Business Center Page

17 Upcoming Training & Events
July 13: WTS Spring Summer Social - Colorado Springs July 13: Contractor Academy: Why Different Contract Methods? - Denver July 14: Women’s Business Conference - Durango July 18: Bonding & Insurance for Government Contracting - Colorado Springs July 18: Increase Your Chance to Do Business with Denver - Denver July 20: COMTO Golf Tournament - Golden July 27: MEED Golf Tournament - Lakewood July 27: Contractor Academy: Being and Effective Leader - Denver August 9: The Opportunity Council Matchmaking BBQ - Denver August 16: HCC Annual BBQ Dinner Meeting August 21: CCA Metro Denver Golf Outing - Arvada August 29: Small Business Night at Coors Field - Denver September 21: Colorado Small Business Collaboration Conference Cathy

18 Megan

19 Meeting Materials

20 Comments & Questions
Megan To submit comments, questions, or suggested agenda items

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