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Literary Essay Review Senior classes.

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1 Literary Essay Review Senior classes

2 Essays are Expository Your job to EXPLAIN Explain theme
Explain structure Explain point Explain evidence Explain connection to theme Explain conclusion

3 Structure of the Literary Essay
Introduction – 10% Lead Author, title, background, etc. Thesis explains answer Body – 80% Three subtopics support thesis Transitions Arguments and evidence CONNECTIONS to thesis Conclusion – 10% Repeat introduction End with interesting thought See for explanation

4 Body Paragraphs Use the PEA Method
P – Point E – Evidence A – Analysis See the following video for an explanation Pay special attention to the chart detailing what to do for each level grade

5 Grade Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Knows plot and not much more Finds evidence from the text and does limited analysis on the quotations “This shows that…” Makes clear connections between evidence and point “The author uses _____ to show that….” Makes clear connections to theme “The author wants the reader to think about the idea that…”

6 Logic All men are mortal Socrates is a man ERGO, Socrates is mortal

7 Logical ? Progress is good Cars represent progress ERGO, cars are good

8 Logical ? Tall people are scary She is sort of tall ERGO, she is scary

9 Logical ? Young people need supervision She is with her aunts
ERGO, she is young

10 Logical ? Aunt Hetty says, “That’s the way it is”
Speaker says, “At Your Service” ERGO, the theme is women feel trapped like animals

11 logical Small, domestic animals are kept in cages
Speaker says she feels like a small animal ERGO, she feels trapped

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