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Pesticide Use Practices, Knowledge and Perception influence occurrence of pesticide residues in French Bean farming in Murang’a County Njue, A. M.1* Maina.

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Presentation on theme: "Pesticide Use Practices, Knowledge and Perception influence occurrence of pesticide residues in French Bean farming in Murang’a County Njue, A. M.1* Maina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pesticide Use Practices, Knowledge and Perception influence occurrence of pesticide residues in French Bean farming in Murang’a County Njue, A. M.1* Maina M. 1Mucheru M.1 And Ngetich Felix2


3 INTRODUCTION Pesticides use is intensive in horticultural crop production to meet the stringent quality requirements for export and to obtain high yields. However, excessive residues on the pods and exposure to workers and environment are of concern

4 …INTRODUCTION Pesticide use practices such as poor handling during application; application rate, frequency of application, type of equipment used; safe wash water disposal; record keeping; weather considerations; storage (Fishel and Nesheim, 2000) affect residue occurrence and may lead to unnecessary exposure.

5 …….Introduction This necessitates the study of knowledge, practices and perception of pesticide use among French beans farmers that may lead to excess residues on the crop and the environment in order to devise crop protection strategies that are cost effective to the farmer and environment friendly.

6 Study site The study site was Murang’a County in Central Kenya. The study location was chosen because this area has most production of French beans. It lies between 0o34’ South and 1°07’South and longitudes 36°East and 37°9’East lying at an altitude of m above the sea level. The temperature ranges between 14 and 30oC. The average rainfall is 900 mm/year on low potential areas but rises to mm/year in high potential areas.


8 Methodology Cross sectional survey was carried out to collect data on; knowledge of pesticide use; practices of pesticide use and perception towards biopesticides in French bean cultivation. A semistructured questionnaire was used to gather information from 100 respondents in May Ethical issues such as confidentiality, objectivity and freedom to withdraw were considered.

9 Data analysis Data was checked to remove outliers, multiple entries and incomplete items. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22 for windows. The research yielded both qualitative and quantitative data. Descriptive statistic included counts, measures of central tendency, distribution, frequencies, cross tabulations

10 RESULTS There was total response to questionnaires because they were administered face to face. Males were 51% females were 49%. The level of income is generally low with slightly more than 50% earning less than 5000 while only 16.2 indicated that they earn more than per month. Farmers sell their crop at local, export or both markets at 43%, 35% and 22% respectively. The local price ranges between Ksh 30 to 60 per kilogram

11 Pesticide Use practices
Ninety seven percent (97%) use only synthetic pesticides. Chemicals used at planting are goucho and thirum at 68% and 32% respectively. The insecticides were chlorpyrifos chimadacloprid , lambdacyhalothrin, alphacypermethrin, acetamiprid, deltamethrin and alpacypermethrin imidacloprid, aster extrim, bifenthrin in that order. Fungicides used are mancozeb, azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil and victory

12 …..Pesticide use practices
The mean frequency of application was 5 times per growing season with a maximum of 7 times in the dry season and minimum of 4 times over the rainy season. 48% of respondents have never had their crop rejected and the reasons for those whose crop has ever been rejected were: excess production (22%), excess pesticide residue (15%) and pests and disease damage (14%) in that order. See table 1.


14 ….pesticide use practices.
Majority 83 % use other pest and disease control methods in addition to chemical control; such as erection of physical barrier between farms (55 %), planting resistant variety (31 %) and not much rotation is practiced citing scarcity of land. Most farmers indicated that the disease resistant variety is not as high yielding and not desired in the market hence the reason for not planting it all the time.

15 Knowledge on pesticide use
53% store pesticides in the house, 37% have a store and 10% leave them in the farm. It is clear only this 47 percent mentioned safe storage practice. HOWEVER, a few containers were observed floating in the river and water tunnels a clear indication that some farmers are oblivious of the danger of such practices. See plate 1 This is similar to findings of Yassin et. al in a study in the Gaza Strip that farmers did not practice according to the knowledge they had.

16 Knowledge on Pesticide

17 Knowledge on pesticide use
Most farmers (85%) indicated that they consider weather aspects mostly rain but only 5% considered the effect of sun evaporation. This means the very volatile compounds may evaporate very fast reducing the effectiveness of pesticide and causing air pollution. Only 27% of farmers interviewed had records of the spraying dates in a county where literacy level was above average. Most farmers chose to rely on memory and experience. Even those that had records, it was the initiative of the buying companies.

18 Perception on biopesticides
70% were of the opinion it would leave low residues on the crop 68 % had opinion it is highly acceptable at the market. Nevertheless, a high percent (67%) indicated they were not sure of its effectiveness . Biopesticides affect only the target pest; they are effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly, thereby they have little or no residual effects and have acceptability for use in organic farming (Kumar, 2012).

19 Biopesticide Perception on: Count Column N %
Table 3: Perception on use of Biopesticide Biopesticide Perception on: Count Column N % Residues On The Pods High 1 1.0% Moderate 23 23.2% Low 70 70.7% Dont Know 5 5.1% Acceptability At The Market 6 6.0% 23.0% 60 60.0% 11 11.0% Effectiveness 25 25.3% 6.1% 67 67.7%

20 Perception on synthetics
On synthetic pesticide, Acceptability in the market was rated high at 70% owing to less pest and disease damage and 69% were of the opinion that residue levels are generally low. The major striking opinion was that effectiveness of synthetic was rated at 44% and it is used by all every growing season regardless. It could be an indication of pests resistance to the chemicals leading to pest resurgence.

21 Synthetics Pesticide Perception on:
Count Column N % Residues On The Pods High 1 1.0% Moderate 29 29.6% Low 68 69.4% Dont Know .0% Acceptability At The Market 70 70.7% 15 15.2% 14 14.1% Effectiveness 44 44.4% 37 37.4% 18 18.2%

22 Challenges in French bean production
High cost of production and low market price were rated as the highest challenges by most farmers. Prices are as low as thirty shillings per kilogram dating back to more than twenty years. Even with higher price at the export market, farmers complain that the middlemen sometimes do not pay them.

23 Challenges Frequency Percent Valid Percent None 6 5.1 6.1 High Cost Of Production 36 30.5 36.4 Pest And Disease Resistance 11 9.3 11.1 Weather Changes 2 1.7 2.0 Low Market Price 35 29.7 35.4 Market Limited Water Scarcity 3 2.5 3.0 Total 99 83.9 100.0

24 Conclusion pesticide use practices greatly influence crop rejection due to pesticide residues, or less use of it lead to pests and disease damage crop rejection was due to excess pesticide residues or pests and disease damage where the pesticides are not effective. The farmers are solely dependent on synthetic pesticides and they have low adoption of other non chemical cultural methods of pest control. Farmers’ perception towards use of biopesticides was that it is ineffective yet it has not been extended to the farms. Many countries are benefiting from high premiums of organic farming.

25 Recommendations Insist on safe pesticide use and integration of biopesticides and other cultural methods of pest control. Carry out research on the residue levels in water and soil over the years that could lead to pesticide resistance by pests and excess residues in pods even at recommended dose. Carry out research on market for the farmers who are mostly limited by buying company. Focus on pro poor stable market channels with few middlemen followed by a legislation on a standard price. .

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