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CONCENTRATION By: Ryan Lukman. Definitions of Concentration The ability to direct ones thinking in whatever direction one would intend. A persons ability.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCENTRATION By: Ryan Lukman. Definitions of Concentration The ability to direct ones thinking in whatever direction one would intend. A persons ability."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definitions of Concentration The ability to direct ones thinking in whatever direction one would intend. A persons ability to focus his thoughts in a particular direction for a considerable time without getting distracted by other things. Focusing all your attention on a single subject.

3 Levels of Concentration Light Moderate Deep

4 Light Concentration The state when you first sit down The stage of concentration within the first five minutes of studying, listening or reading Light concentration signs include wiggling around the chair, twisting hair, and pulling out study supplies The distractions in the stage of light concentration include noticing other students walking in the room, be annoyed by any noises, or thinking about other things When you are in light concentration, you are easily distracted

5 Moderate Concentration During the next five minutes or so, you move into moderate concentration At this point you begin to pay attention to the material you are reading, hearing, or studying Begin to get interested in the lecture or text material At moderate concentration stage you may not be easily distracted Concentration may be broken if someone talks directly to you

6 Deep Concentration In deep concentration, you arent thinking about anything except what you are hearing or studying At this stage you are totally engrossed in the material At this point, your focused and in tuned with studying, listening, applying, reading, and relating the subject or material The stage in the concentration cycle that you are working most effectively Not easily distracted by anything else

7 Are you now in deep concentration?

8 If not….your getting distracted!!

9 Common Distractions Talking while the teacher or instructor is teaching Cell phones Conversations irrelevant to the material Noises around your environment Daydreaming

10 Internal and External Factors Which Interrupts Concentration

11 Internal Factors Anxiety caused by a certain course Worry over personal problems Thinking about what you have to do outside of class Inactive participation Attitude toward the class or the material Daydreaming Lack of sleep or bad nutrition

12 External Factors Other students Noises in the classroom Where you choose to sit Disorganized lectures Information that is repeated over and over

13 Factors that cause distractions during reading A distraction is anything that breaks your concentration.

14 Internal Distractions Day Dreams Worries Depression Boredom Sickness Hunger Other emotions

15 External Distractions Noises People Television Music Weather Inadequate lighting

16 Dealing with Distractions Red Bow Technique Take-Charge Technique Say No Technique No-Need Technique Checkmark Technique

17 Message of the day

18 Improve Concentration Identify your distractions Concentrate with interest Keep a positive attitude Set study goals Make eye contact with the teacher Use proper lighting Eat and exercise well Take breaks in between periods of study Get enough sleep

19 Strategies of Improving Concentration Select An Ideal Study Area Low noise level Comfortable table and chair Uncluttered work surface Adequate lighting Space used for exclusive study purposes Prepare Mentally Relax body & mind Create a positive attitude Positive self-talk Visualize yourself concentrating Set Goals for the session Do warm-ups

20 Concentration Tips Eat a good breakfast Exercise daily Vitamin B12 Green Tea Focus Factor Coffee (no more than 3 cups a day) Oatmeal, yogurt, and fruits

21 Other Sources to Improve Your Concentration – Concentration Games – Concentration music – Self Hypnosis CD for Concentration – Tips on improving study skills – Focus factor supplement to improve concentration – Study skills site

22 Quotes on Concentration Controlled attention is the act of coordinating all the faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a given end. It is an act, which can be achieved only by the strictest sort of self-discipline. -Napoleon Learn to fix your attention on a given subject, at will, for whatever length of time you choose. You will have learned the secret to power and plenty! This is concentration. -Napoleon Where attention goes, energy flows and results show. -T. Harv Eker







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