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Life’s Chemical Basis Atoms and Molecules
Matter and Energy Matter - the physical material of the universe
Energy - the capacity to do work (usually manifested as the moving of matter from place to place) Technically - are interchangeable E=mc2 Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
1/1/2019 ATOMIC THEORY Matter is composed of tiny, fundamental paricles called ATOMS Atoms of the same element are identical but differ from atoms of other elements. Atoms enter into combinations to form COMPOUNDS. Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
Forms of Energy Kinetic - energy of movement
movement of atoms and molecules influenced by temperature electrical energy Potential - energy of position; stored energy rock on a hill chemical bonds Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
1/1/2019 ATOMIC THEORY Matter is composed of tiny, fundamental paricles called ATOMS Atoms of the same element are identical but differ from atoms of other elements. Atoms enter into combinations to form COMPOUNDS. Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
Atoms The behavior of elements, which make up all living things, starts with the structure of individual atoms The number of protons in the atomic nucleus defines the element, and the number of neutrons defines the isotope
Structure of Atoms Atoms are the building blocks of all substances
Made up of electrons, protons and neutrons Charge is an electrical property Attracts or repels other subatomic particles
Characteristics of Atoms
Electrons (e-) have a negative charge Move around the nucleus The nucleus contains protons and neutrons Protons (p+) have a positive charge Neutrons (n) have no charge
Living and nonliving matter is composed of atoms.
Characteristics of Atoms
Atoms differ in number of subatomic particles Atomic number (number of protons) determines the element Elements consist only of atoms with the same atomic number Mass number Total protons and neutrons in a nucleus Used to identify isotopes
Atoms proton neutron electron
Figure 2.2 Atoms consist of electrons moving around a core, or nucleus, of protons and neutrons. Models such as this diagram cannot show what atoms really look like. Electrons zoom around in fuzzy, three-dimensional spaces about 10,000 times bigger than the nucleus. electron
The Periodic Table Periodic table of the elements
An arrangement of the elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties Created by Dmitry Mendeleev
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Periodic Table Song
Isotopes and Radioisotopes
Different forms of the same element, with different numbers of neutrons Some radioactive isotopes – radioisotopes – are used in research and medical applications
Atom Def. - the fundamental unit of matter that can enter into chemical reactions Protons + Electrons - Neutrons 0 All atoms are alike in that they are composed of protons, electrons, and neutrons They are different from each other in their number of protons, electrons, and neutrons Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
The basic building blocks of all matter
All matter consists of atoms, tiny particles that in turn consist of electrons moving around a nucleus of protons and neutrons An element is a pure substance that consists only of atoms with the same number of protons. Isotopes are forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons Unstable nuclei of radioisotopes disintegrate spontaneously (decay) at a predictable rate to form predictable products
Why Electrons Matter Atoms acquire, share, and donate electrons
Whether an atom will interact with other atoms depends on how many electrons it has
About Vacancies Electrons move around nuclei in orbitals
Each orbital holds two electrons Each orbital corresponds to an energy level An electron can move in only if there is a vacancy free radical Atom with an unpaired electron
Orbital 1/1/2019 Def. - the volume of space surrounding an atoms nucleus in which the greatest probability of finding specific electron(s) occurs. Orbitals have specific shapes, contain up to 2 electrons, and have unique energy levels. Orbital nomenclature - s, p, d, f, and g. Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
1/1/2019 Shells Def. - layer or layers of electrons or orbitals surrounding an atoms nucleus. Shells can consists of one to many orbitals. Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
Why Atoms Interact The shell model of electron orbitals diagrams electron vacancies; filled from inside out First shell: one orbital (2 electrons) Second shell: four orbitals (8 electrons) Third shell: four orbitals (8 electrons) Atoms with vacancies in their outer shell tend to give up, acquire, or share electrons
Orbitals and Shells Shell 1 Shell 2 Shell 3 Shell 4 Shell 5
1s -- 2 electrons Shell 2 2s -- 2 electrons 2p -- 6 electrons Shell 3 3s -- 2 electrons 3p -- 6 electrons 3d - 10 electrons Shell 4 4s -- 2 electrons 4p -- 6 electrons 4d - 10 electrons 4f electrons Shell 5 5s -- 2 electrons 5p -- 6 electrons 5d electrons 5f electrons 5g electrons Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
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Electron Shells
Different Ways to Represent the Same Molecule
A The first shell corresponds to the first energy level, and it can hold up to 2 electrons. Hydrogen has one proton, so it has 1 electron and 1 vacancy. A helium atom has 2 protons, 2 electrons, and no vacancies. The number of protons in each model is shown. first shell hydrogen (H) helium (He) 1 1 proton 1 electron 2 6 B The second shell corresponds to the second energy level, and it can hold up to 8 electrons. Carbon has 6 protons, so its first shell is full. Its second shell has 4 electrons, and four vacancies. Oxygen has 8 protons and two vacancies. Neon has 10 protons and no vacancies. neon (Ne) second shell carbon (C) oxygen (O) 8 10 C The third shell, which corresponds to the third energy level, can hold up to 8 electrons. A sodium atom has 11 protons, so its first two shells are full; the third shell has one electron. Thus, sodium has seven vacancies. Chlorine has 17 pro tons and one vacancy. Argon has 18 protons and no vacancies. third shell argon (Ar) chlorine (Cl) sodium (Na) 18 17 11 Figure 2.5 Animated Shell models. Each circle (shell) represents all orbitals at one energy level. A model is filled with electrons from the innermost shell out, until there are as many electrons as protons. Atoms with vacancies (room for additional electrons) in their outermost shell tend to get rid of them. A The first shell corresponds to the first energy level, and it can hold up to 2 electrons. Hydrogen has one proton, so it has 1 electron and 1 vacancy. A helium atom has 2 protons, 2 electrons, and no vacancies. The number of protons in each model is shown. B The second shell corresponds to the second energy level, and it can hold up to 8 electrons. Carbon has 6 protons, so its first shell is full. Its second shell has 4 electrons, and four vacancies. Oxygen has 8 protons and two vacancies. Neon has 10 protons and no vacancies. Stepped Art Figure 2-5 p26
Atoms and Ions Ion An atom with a positive or negative charge due to loss or gain of electrons in its outer shell Examples: Na+ (cation), Cl- (anion) Electronegativity A measure of an atom’s ability to pull electrons from another atom
If two atoms have similar electronegativities, they share electrons equally, in what is called a nonpolar covalent bond. If atoms have different electronegativities, electrons tend to be near the most attractive atom, in what is called a polar covalent bond
Octet rule—atoms with at least two electron shells form stable molecules so they have eight electrons in their outermost shells. Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
electron loss electron gain Sodium atom Chlorine atom 11p+ 11e–
charge: 0 charge: 0 Sodium ion Chloride ion Figure 2.6 Animated Ion formation A A sodium atom (Na) becomes a positively charged sodium ion (Na+) when it loses the electron in its third shell. The atom’s full second shell is now its outermost, so it has no vacancies. B A chlorine atom (Cl) becomes a negatively charged chloride ion (Cl–) when it gains an electron and fills the vacancy in its third, outermost shell. 11p+ 10e– 17p+ 18e– charge: +1 charge: –1 Figure 2-6 p27
There are several kinds of chemical bonds.
When Atoms Interact Chemical bond is an attractive force that links atoms together to form molecules. There are several kinds of chemical bonds. ANIMATED TUTORIAL 2.1 Chemical Bond Formation
When Atoms Interact The characteristics of a bond arise from the properties of the atoms that participate in it The three most common types of bonds in biological molecules are ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds
Types of Chemical Bonds
Basic Principle of Chemical Reactions
An atom is stable when its outermost electron shell is either completely full or completely empty An atom is reactive when its outermost electron shell is only partially full 1st shell = 2 electrons 2nd shell = 8 electrons 3rd shell = 8 electrons Haemmerle - Bio160 Chapter 2
Why do atoms interact? An atom’s electrons are the basis of its chemical behavior Shells represent all electron orbitals at one energy level in an atom; when the outermost shell is not full of electrons, the atom has a vacancy Atoms with vacancies tend to interact with other atoms
Chemical Bonds: From Atoms to Molecules
Chemical bonds link atoms into molecules The characteristics of a chemical bond arise from the properties of the atoms taking part in it
Chemical Bonds Chemical bond
An attractive force existing between two atoms when their electrons interact Molecule Two or more atoms joined in chemical bonds
Combining Substances Compounds
Molecules consisting of two or more elements whose proportions do not vary Example: Water (H2O) Mixture Two or more substances that intermingle but do not bond; proportions of each can vary
The Water Molecule one oxygen atom two hydrogen atoms
Figure 2.7 The water molecule. Each water molecule has two hydrogen atoms bonded to the same oxygen atom.
Bonds and Electrons Whether one atom will bond with others depends on the element, and the number and arrangement of its electrons electronegativity Measure of the ability of an atom to pull electrons away from other atoms
Three Types of Bonds The characteristics of a bond arise from the properties of the atoms that participate in it The three most common types of bonds in biological molecules are ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds
Ionic Bonds Ionic bond A strong mutual attraction between two oppositely charges ions with a large difference in electronegativity (no electron transferred) Example: NaCl (table salt)
Ionic Bond: Sodium Chloride
11 17 Figure 2.8 Animated An example of ionic bonding: table salt, or NaCl. Ions taking part in an ionic bond retain their charge, so the molecule is polar. One side is positively charged (here represented by a blue overlay); the other side is negatively charged (red overlay). Sodium ion 11p+, 10e– Chloride ion 17p+, 18e–
Ionic Bond: Sodium Chloride
Cl– Na+ Figure 2.8 Animated An example of ionic bonding: table salt, or NaCl. Ions taking part in an ionic bond retain their charge, so the molecule is polar. One side is positively charged (here represented by a blue overlay); the other side is negatively charged (red overlay).
Ionic Bond: Sodium Chloride
Figure 2.8 Animated An example of ionic bonding: table salt, or NaCl. Ions taking part in an ionic bond retain their charge, so the molecule is polar. One side is positively charged (here represented by a blue overlay); the other side is negatively charged (red overlay). positive charge negative charge
Covalent Bonds Covalent bond
Two atoms with similar electronegativity and unpaired electrons sharing a pair of electrons Can be stronger than ionic bonds Atoms can share one, two, or three pairs of electrons (single, double, or triple covalent bonds)
Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Characteristics of Covalent Bonds
Nonpolar covalent bond Atoms sharing electrons equally; formed between atoms with identical electronegativity Polar covalent bond Atoms with different electronegativity do not share electrons equally; one atom has a more negative charge, the other is more positive
Polarity Polarity Separation of charge into distinct positive and negative regions in a polar covalent molecule Example: Water (H2O)
molecular hydrogen (H2)
molecular oxygen (O2) Figure 2.9 Animated Covalent bonds, in which atoms fill vacancies by sharing electrons. Two electrons are shared in each covalent bond. When sharing is equal, the bond is nonpolar. When one atom exerts a greater pull on the electrons, the bond is polar. water (H2O) Figure 2-9 p29
Table 2-1 p29
How do atoms interact in chemical bonds?
A chemical bond forms between atoms when their electrons interact A chemical bond may be ionic or covalent depending on the atoms taking part in it An ionic bond is a strong mutual attraction between two ions of opposite charge Atoms share a pair of electrons in a covalent bond; when the atoms share electrons unequally, the bond is polar
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Figure :2-T3 Title: Bonding Patterns of Atoms Commonly Found in Biological Molecules Caption:
Strength and stability—covalent bonds are very strong; it takes a lot of energy to break them.
Multiple bonds Single—sharing 1 pair of electrons Double—sharing 2 pairs of electrons Triple—sharing 3 pairs of electrons C H C C N N
Hydrogen Bonding Hydrogen bond
A weak attraction between a highly electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom taking part in a separate polar covalent bond Hydrogen bonds do not form molecules and are not by definition chemical bonds Hydrogen bonds stabilize the structures of large biological molecules
Hydrogen Bonds and Water
The unique properties of liquid water arise because of the water molecule's polarity Extensive hydrogen bonds form among water molecules
Polarity of the Water Molecule
Overall, water (H2O) has no charge The water molecule is polar Oxygen atom is slightly negative Hydrogen atoms are slightly positive Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules Gives water unique properties
Polarity of the Water Molecule
negative charge Figure 2.10 Polarity of the water molecule. Each of the hydrogen atoms in a water molecule bears a slight positive charge (represented by a blue overlay). The electronegative oxygen atom carries a slight negative charge (red overlay). positive charge
Figure 2.9 Hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds form at a hydrogen atom taking part in a polar covalent bond. The hydrogen atom’s slight positive charge weakly attracts an electronegative atom. As shown here, hydrogen (H) bonds can form between molecules or between different parts of the same molecule. Fig. 2-9a, p. 27
Water’s Special Properties
Living organisms are mostly water; all the chemical reactions of life are carried out in water Water is essential to life because of its unique properties The properties of water are a result of extensive hydrogen bonding among water molecules
Water Has Cohesion Hydrogen bonds give water cohesion
Provides surface tension Draws water up from roots of plants Cohesion Molecules resist separation from one another
Water Cohesion and Surface Tension
Water Stabilizes Temperature
Compared with other molecules, water absorbs more heat before it becomes measurably hotter Temperature A way to measure the energy of molecular motion Molecules move faster as they absorb heat
Water Stabilizes Temperature
The surface temperature of water decreases during evaporation Evaporation Conversion of a liquid to a gas by heat energy Ice is less dense than liquid water Hydrogen bonds form a lattice during freezing
Water is a Solvent Solvent
A substance (usually liquid) that can dissolve other substances (solutes) Water is a solvent The collective strength of many hydrogen bonds pulls ions apart and keeps them dissolved
Water is a Solvent Water dissolves polar molecules
Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules and other polar molecules Polar molecules dissolved by water are hydrophilic (water-loving) Nonpolar (hydrophobic) molecules are not dissolved by water
Water Molecules Surrounding an Ionic Solid
Take-Home Message: What gives water the special properties that make life possible?
The polarity of a water molecule gives rise to extensive hydrogen bonding among water molecules Hydrogen bonding among water molecules imparts cohesion to liquid water, and the ability to stabilize temperature and dissolve many substances
2.6 Acids and Bases pH is a measure of the number of hydrogen ions in a solution The more hydrogen ions, the lower the pH pH 7 is neutral (pure water) Most biological processes occur within a narrow range of pH, typically around pH 7 Concentration refers to the amount of a particular solute that is dissolved in a given volume of fluid
— 0 battery acid — 1 gastric fluid acid rain — 2 lemon juice cola more acidic vinegar — 3 orange juice tomatoes, wine bananas — 4 beer bread black coffee — 5 urine, tea, typical rain corn — 6 butter milk pure water — 7 blood, tears egg white — 8 seawater baking soda — 9 detergents Figure 2.12 A pH scale. Here, red dots signify hydrogen ions (H+) and blue dots signify hydroxyl ions (OH–). Also shown are approximate pH values for some common solutions. This pH scale ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic). A change of one unit on the scale corresponds to a tenfold change in the amount of H+ ions. Tums toothpaste — 10 hand soap milk of magnesia — 11 household ammonia more basic hair remover — 12 bleach — 13 oven cleaner — 14 drain cleaner Figure 2-12 p32
Biological Reactions Occur In Water
Molecules in water (H2O) can separate into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) H20 ↔ H+ + OH-
Acids and Bases Acids donate hydrogen ions in a water solution
pH below 7 Bases accept hydrogen ions in a water solution pH above 7
Acids: Weak or Strong Acids and bases can be weak or strong
Gastric fluid, pH 2-3 Acid rain Example: Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid HCl ↔ H+ + Cl-
Salts Salt A compound that dissolves easily in water and releases ions other than H+ and OH- HCl (acid) + NaOH (base) → NaCl (salt) + H20
Buffers Against Shifts in pH
A set of chemicals (a weak acid or base and its salt) that can keep the pH of a solution stable OH- + H2CO3 (carbonic acid) → HCO3- (bicarbonate) + H20 H+ + HCO3- (bicarbonate) → H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
Buffering Carbon Dioxide in Blood
Carbon dioxide in blood forms carbonic acid, which separates into H+ and bicarbonate H2O + CO2 (carbon dioxide) → H2CO3 (carbonic acid) → H+ + HCO3- (bicarbonate)
Take Home Message: Why is hydrogen important in biological systems?
pH reflects the number of hydrogen ions in a fluid. Most biological systems function properly only within a narrow range of pH Acids release hydrogen ions in water; bases accept them Salts release ions other than H+ and OH– Buffers help keep pH stable. Inside organisms, they are part of homeostasis
Table 2-1 p34
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