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Welcome to High School Course Registration Info Night

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1 Welcome to High School Course Registration Info Night
Presented by: Samantha Trachtman (Counselor A-G) Janice Kimenhour (Counselor H-N) Grant Geiger (Counselor O-Z) Beth Guarriello, Principal Tom Halcisak, Assistant Principal

Tonight: To introduce Counseling and Administrative staff To help you understand graduation requirements To help you understand academic options and Program of Studies To review the school schedule To discuss extra and co-curricular opportunities and how your student can become involved To give you important tips for student success

3 Credits Students choose 9 credits of coursework.
All classes are 64 minutes. A quarter class is .5 credit, a semester class is 1 credit and most year long classes are 2 credits. Exceptions: Algebra I CP Algebra I CP/Honors Geometry CP/Honors English Literature and CP/Honors Biology are yearlong for 1 credit Math lab is a semester for .5 credits

4 PAW PERIOD The PAW PERIOD is a 30-minute period built into the school day to SUPPORT all learners. It provides time for make up work and allows students to work with their teachers. This is a non-credited, non-graded period Runs on a 5 day cycle and is supervised by teachers of each class.

5 Bell Schedule 64 minute periods with 4 minute passing time

6 Sample Bridges/Alg I Schedule
8.5 Credits

7 Sample CP Schedule 9 credits

8 Sample Honors Schedule (one math and two science)
9 Credits

9 Sample Honors Schedule (two math and two science)
Or Honors Precalculus 9 Credits

10 Be an Individual! Your schedule is a very personal thing. Don’t make choices based on what your friends are doing. Play to your strengths. Many students mix and match honors and college prep courses. GET INVOLVED! Consider extracurricular activities and have a good balance of academics and activities. Set academic goals and try to plan ahead for your entire 4 year high school career

11 Graduation Requirements
26 total credits to graduate 15 credits in core classes: 4 English, 4 social studies, 4 science and 3 math 1.5 health/phys. ed. and .5 career exploration 9 credits electives Students will earn between 33 and 37 credits over four years depending on which math courses are taken. Athletes should be aware of NCAA requirements

12 Keystone Exams State mandated end of subject exams in Algebra I, Biology and English Literature. Students must pass (proficient or advanced) to graduate. Scores are required to be printed on final transcripts Students who are not proficient (basic or below basic) must take a mandatory remediation class and re-test.

13 Rank and GPA Every semester each student’s final grades are calculated to determine their grade point average. GPA’s are ranked from highest to lowest. Weighted GPA for honors and Advanced Placement: (0.5 for honors and 1 for AP classes) Ex. An A in a college prep course is 4.0, honors is 4.5 and AP is 5.0.

14 Registration and Scheduling
2/8 Questions and Answers in MS social studies class Students receive Course Assignment Form. Return to social studies teacher 2/12. 2/27 students input courses into computers in middle school Master schedule built based on student requests. Computer generates schedule. Counselors “finesse” them. Students should receive schedule by end of school year

15 Required Courses English Foundations of English 9 (special needs only)
Bridges to Comp and Lit (2 credits) English 9 Honors English 9 Social Studies - Foundations of History I (special needs only) U.S. History II Honors U.S. History II

16 Required Courses Algebra I plus Math Lab (1.5 credits) CP Algebra I
- Foundations of Math 9 (special needs only) Algebra I plus Math Lab (1.5 credits) CP Algebra I CP Geometry Honors Geometry CP Algebra II Honors Algebra II Honors Precalculus Strong math students can double up in geometry and algebra II or honors geometry and honors pre-calculus. Students do not have to double up.

17 Required Courses Science CP Environmental Science
- Foundations of Science I (special needs only) CP Environmental Science Honors Environmental Science Conceptual Physics First CP Physics First Honors Physics First All 9th graders take Environmental Science. Students who want to work ahead or are considering Bethlehem Vo-tech may also take Physics First. It is recommended to double up in 9th or 10th grade. Biology is the 10th grade course. Students must complete Algebra I in 8th grade to take Honors Physics First.

18 Required Courses All 9th grade students will take:
Health and Wellness Career Explorations The number of overall credits will vary depending on the required courses chosen. A second math or science will not be chosen for students. It is the student’s choice to double up. Placement into 9th grade classes is dependent on several factors: Teacher recommendations, grades, PSSA scores and MAP scores. After 9th grade, there are prerequisite grades to maintain or enter honors classes.

19 Electives that do not require “alternates”
Music Band- semester or all year. Chorus- semester or all year. Band/Chorus Combo- semester or all year World Languages German I French I or II Spanish I or II Students who had two years of language at MS and are doing B work should take level II. Students can request to double up in language but it is not required.

20 Electives Electives can be taken for fun or to help explore career options. There are electives in: English, social studies, science, art, music, business, family and consumer science and technology education. Students must choose alternates of the same credit value for each elective. We recommend viewing the Career Pathways on page 11 and 12 in the Program of Studies.

21 Student Supports Encourage your student to take the most challenging courses in relation to their ability SUPPORTS: NHS Peer Tutoring Student Assistance Program After school tutoring / remediation 504 and IEP Plans PAW Period

Get to know your student’s counselor Be involved in the education process Volunteer and attend Parent Advisory Meetings- stay informed Inform the school of special situations / don’t assume your child will Encourage a nightly homework routine Place responsibility for success with your student At first sign of school concerns contact your student’s counselor

23 Other Items The rest of the year matters! Keep working hard to get the classes you want for next year. There is summer reading for Honors U.S. History and Honors English 9. Students will not be dropped from courses if they choose not to complete assignment. These assignments will be available on our website in late May. Questions regarding course placement should be directed to Thomas Baldo at the middle school. We can help with everything else!

24 ADVICE TO PARENTS… You are integral to the next four year- they are not too old! Check teacher webpages for calendars, homework, etc. Encourage independence and self-advocacy Be involved and supportive Use Powerschool to check grades, attendance & discipline

Follow us on TWITTER (link on HS webpage) Follow us on our FACEBOOK PAGE (link on HS webpage) Check the District and HS Webpages Watch for Freshman Orientation Information over the summer including the Club Rush and Activities Fair

26 THANK YOU!!! Thank you for coming out tonight Thank you for supporting our school Thank you for sharing your children with us

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