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Neanderthals: Homo neanderthalensis

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Presentation on theme: "Neanderthals: Homo neanderthalensis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neanderthals: Homo neanderthalensis
Existed between 250,000 – 33,000 ya Found only in Europe and Middle East Very large cranium (avg cc) Projecting mid-face Large noses Deep set eyes Massive arched brow ridge Short Powerfully muscled, very robust Barrel-chested

2 Cultural developments associated with Neanderthals
Mousterian style tools Varied, sophisticated tools (over 60 different types) Specialized (for specific purpose) Primarily meat-eaters Hunted large game at close range First hominid to bury their dead Belief in afterlife? Speech?

3 Cranial Comparisons: H. erectus, H. neanderthalensis & H. sapiens

4 Skeletal Comparison: Neanderthals & H. sapiens

5 What happened to the Neanderthals?
Did Neanderthals interbreed & contribute genes to modern humans? Or Were they “replaced” by modern humans?

6 To consider… Did Neanders look & behave differently enough to view them as incompatible mates? If there was interbreeding, then shouldn’t Neander genes still be present in modern populations? What would the nature of “Replacement” look like?

7 What can we say for certain about the fate of the Neanderthals?
There is genetic and fossil evidence to support a variety of hypotheses No singular event or process responsible, but rather, a combination of contributing factors Ex: selective pressures, genetic drift, gene flow, mutations, cultural perceptions, etc. Our ideas of Neanders (and ourselves) are based heavily on INTERPRETATION Reconstructing the past is not an exact science…

8 Transition from archaic to anatomically modern Homo sapiens
Appear in: South Africa kya East Africa kya North-central Africa kya Middle East kya India 70 kya China 50kya Europe kya Australia kya N. America 15 kya

9 Anatomical features Flat faced No browridges Vertical forehead
Smaller, narrower face Prominent chin Rounded braincase w/vertical sides Cranial capacity = 1400 cc (avg.) Postcranial skeleton less robust Skilled hunters (abundance of prey animals) & efficient foragers – variety of food resources

10 Cultural features Culture as primary means of adaptation
Talk, communicate, plan & teach Construct better shelters to protect from predators & elements Sewn clothes Major advances in stone tool technology Used bone, ivory, antler Created specialized tools to work wood, bone, drill holes in skins, bones, shells Developed harpoon style tools, spear points, blades, knives, spear throwers

11 Cultural features, cont.
Art & symbolic forms – very rich & prolific Cave paintings Bone & ivory carvings, figurines, sculptures Fired clay Jewelry


13 Our common language IS our Humanity!
Concluding Comments Hominid evolution is story of diversity, variation & change “Nothing of what we are today would have been possible in the absence of any aspect of our unique history” (Tattersal 2012:xiii) What makes us human? Need for connection Capacity and need for language Our common language IS our Humanity!

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