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Lecture 4 Krisztina Szécsényi

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1 Lecture 4 Krisztina Szécsényi
Syntax Lecture 4 Krisztina Szécsényi

2 Possessive DPs Possession: a relationship between a possessor and a possessed item: Peter’s/The student’s letter (arrived). Two DPs? Substitution: It arrived. → the possessor is embedded in the DP headed by the possessee.

3 Possessive DPs Complementary distribution between determiners and possessors: *Peter’s the letter. D-position: head position Possessors: DPs    Possessive ’s in D preceded by possessor DP in the specifier position

4 Rewrite rules for possessive DPs
DP → DP (=possessor with its own internal str.) D’ D’ → D (=possessive marker ’s) NP NP → Specifier N’ N’ → N (=possessee) Complement

5 DP-adjunction Modification by an adverb in the presence of a quantificational determiner: nearly every teacher of Physics almost John’s whole life DP → AP (=nearly) DP DP → Specifier D’ D’ → D (=every) NP NP → Specifier N’ N’ → N PP (=of Physics, cf. Teach )

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