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What is Success? A Simple Explanation

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Presentation on theme: "What is Success? A Simple Explanation"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Success? . . . A Simple Explanation
The Circle of Life What is Success? . . . A Simple Explanation

2 1. At the age of 3, Success means : Not shitting in your pants.
2. At the age of 12, Success means : Having friends. 9. At the age of 75, Success means : Having friends. 3. At the age of 18, Success means : Having a driver‘s licence. 8. At the age of 70, Success means : Having a driver‘s licence. 4. At the age of 20, Success means : Having sex. 7. At the age of 60, Success means : Having sex. 5. At the age of 35, Success means : Having money. 6. At the age of 50, Success means : Having money.

3 There you have it . . . Enjoy Success !

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