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Charles II 1660 took the throne.

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1 Charles II 1660 took the throne.
His rule was called the Restoration – restored the monarchy. Also restored: - Theater - Sporting events - dancing Comedy flourished under his rule.


3 Charles II Parliament passed an importance of guarantees called Habeas Corpus. law that gave each prisoner the right to be brought before a judge. Monarchs could not imprison any one without reason. Prisoners could not be held indefinitely.

4 Who should inherit Charles’s throne?
No kids = no heirs Parliament decided on his brother James. James II - Catholic Tories – Supported James Whigs – Opposed James

5 James II 1685 took the throne. Flaunted his Catholicism.
Violated English law by appointing Catholics to office. 1688- Parliament protested, James dissolved it.


7 James II Daughter Mary – Protestant Newly born son – Catholic
Protestants feared a lineage of Catholic kings. Mary was married to William of Orange. William invaded London in 1688. James fled to France and nobody died.

8 Glorious Revolution Bloodless overthrow of King James II is called the Glorious Revolution.

9 William and Mary Recognized Parliament as their partner in governing.
Absolute Monarchy = Constitutional Monarchy - Laws limited the ruler’s power.


11 English Bill of Rights 1689 A ruler could no do:
- No suspending of Parliament’s laws. - No levying of taxes without a specific grant from Parliament. - No interfering with freedom of speech in Parliament. - No penalty for a citizen who petitions the king about grievances. William and Mary consented to this document.

12 Cabinet system develops
Monarch could not rule without Parliaments consent. Parliament could not govern with Monarch consent. 1700s: Cabinet – a group of government ministers acted in the ruler’s name. Reality represented the majority of Parliament. Today – Head of cabinet is called the Prime minister and majority party in Parliament heads the cabinet.

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