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Class 3 Spring Term Invaders & Settlers Invaders and Settlers

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1 Class 3 Spring Term 1 2018 Invaders & Settlers Invaders and Settlers
Basic Conversation Past times Music P-bone French Food To focus on religion: RE We are presenters – videoing performance We are programmers ICT Ferocious Viking faces 6 different DT Tasks Anglo-Saxon Boats Saxon Runic stones Art & DT PE & Games Obstacle & Adventure Dance Britain’s invasion and settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots: names and village life Anglo-Saxons kingdoms, place History Editing and developing writing Homophones and spelling rules Descriptive/story writing Lexia (spelling and reading) Weekly Guided Reading Non-Fiction writing Poetry and plays Up-levelling English Recounts Addition, Subtraction, Muliplication Relationships between days, months Length (cm/m), Mass (g/kg), Volume/Capicity (ml/l). Problem Solving & Division and years Place Value Maths Money Invaders & Settlers Spring Term Invaders and Settlers This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this half term.

2 Class 3 Newsletter January 2018 Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the Spring half term for class 3! I hope your son/daughter ready to start our history based topic ‘Invaders and Settlers’. Mrs Murphy will continue to be the class Teaching Assistant and we continue to have support from Mrs Davis and Miss Murphy. The class will be taught by Mrs Dicocco on Thursday afternoons. Reading In class we aim to listen to your child read as often as possible! We ask that you spend time listening to your child read, reading to them and talking about what you have read on a daily basis! Please remember to note reading in their diaries and remind your child to note down any independent reading they have done too. We will continue to reward the ‘Readers’ with house points. The children will be heard during our weekly Guided Reading sessions, where we will carry on studying a range of different text types to help improve comprehension and inferential skills. The Learning Platform Your child continues to have access to the Learning Platform, so please encourage your child to access this, using the link on the school’s website. I will try my best to keep the Year 3 page up to date with games and activities to support your child. I will also post photographs, links to websites and extra information for homework. Homework Thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning at home. We have a couple more mini projects linked to learning in class. I encourage you to get involved and discuss ideas with your child. Please feel free to come and discuss the homework’s set if you have any queries. I will be setting children spellings and times tables to practice, and we will have a mini-test on a Monday morning. Please spend time with your child looking at spellings and practicing counting. We do expect all children to attempt every piece of homework that we set.  This Half Term’s Topic Our final topic of the year is “Invaders and Settlers” which focuses on Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots up until the Anglo-Saxon and Viking struggle for the kingdom of England. This thrilling topic will cover: the Roman withdrawal from Britain and fall of the western Roman empire; Anglo-Saxons invasions, settlements, kingdoms, place names and village life; Anglo-Saxon art, culture and religion; and Viking raids and invasion Targets Children will have individualised targets for numeracy, literacy and reading this term. If you have any queries about your child’s targets or would like further information on how you can help them at home, please call in and discuss this with me or a member of the year 3 team. PE and Swimming PE lessons will continue to take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday with the support of our sports coach Mr Dunstan, where we will be focusing on Dance and Adventure Obstacle. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school at all times (black shorts, purple t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers). If you are able to offer any knowledge on our topics or provide support in class, please discuss this with me, it will be greatly appreciated. As always if you have any concerns about your son/daughter or any questions/queries please do not hesitate to call into class to speak to me. Let’s have an amazing half term! Many thanks, Mr Waterhouse and the Class 3 Team

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