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Assessment Procedures

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1 Assessment Procedures
September 2018

2 Why change? Issues with the current system Lack of clarity
Too subjective Inconsistent with Year 6 SATs data Difficult to follow Inefficient

3 How is Year 6 National Data
presented? Standardised Score, from 80 – 120 100 is national expectation 110 is generally considered to be Greater Depth Writing is Teacher Assessed, no Teacher Assessment in Reading, GPS or Maths – test scores only from May 2019 Progress is measured from the Year 2 baseline

4 Rationale behind new system
In line with the national approach Easier for parents to follow Parent questionnaire June 2018 showed parents wanted more numerical data More robust, less subjective More manageable for staff

5 The new system! Will mirror the Year 6 system
Children will have tests 3 times a year (as they do now) Raw scores will be converted to standardised scores, ranging from 80 – 120 Expected standard will be 100 Greater depth will be 110 Progress will be measured from Year 3 baseline and also across the year by comparing the standardised score each time ‘Soft’ data e.g. IEP targets will be used where appropriate, e.g. for children with SEND.

6 Termly Progress Report

7 The system will be reviewed at the end of the academic year.
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