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Standardisation within a newly merged centre

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1 Standardisation within a newly merged centre
Anne Fowler, Forth Valley College

2 Forth Valley College Created on 1 August 2015 after the merger of Falkirk College and Clackmannan College.

3 The key challenge relating to quality assurance was . . .


5 Quality Standardisation – College wide
Policies and procedures – available to ALL staff on Microsoft Sharepoint


7 Quality Standardisation – Departments
Master Folders available on Microsoft Sharepoint Most lecturers are ‘lead lecturers’ Permission levels within subject areas


9 Why Standardise? Standardisation is an important part of ensuring the reliability of assessment decisions for all candidates in a centre.

10 Why Standardise? Standardisation exercises identify any discrepancies between assessors in their judgement of candidates’ evidence and allow adjustments to be made to remedy these. As well as reducing subjectivity among assessors, it helps to improve the consistency of their judgements and allows internal verifiers to identify and disseminate good practice. (SQA 2011)

11 Why Standardise? What challenges does merger have to the way you currently standardise? How do you/might you address these?

12 Standardisation Exercises
Agreement trials Dual assessment Cross assessment Evidence review Double marking Blind marking

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