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Remembering Anne frank

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1 Remembering Anne frank
After the diary

2 The members of the Annex lived in hiding for 25 months.
August 4th, 1944 The members of the Annex lived in hiding for 25 months. July 6th, August 4th, 1944 Three days after Anne’s last diary entry, the Gestapo came for those living in the Annex. To this day, it is not known who turned them in, but it was likely a warehouse employee. An SS major, Wilhelm Zopf, testified in trial that informers received the usual reward for turning people in = $1.45 for each person

3 After the diary The Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel were sent to Westerbork (transit camp for Dutch Jews before they were deported to death camps in Poland). On September 3rd, the day the Allies captured Brussels, they were among the last shipment of a thousand Jews to Auschwitz.


5 Mr. Dussel was sent to Neuengamme, where he died.
After the diary In October 1944, with the Soviets approaching Auschwitz, Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan were among a group of the youngest and strongest women selected to be moved to Bergen-Belsen in Germany. Mrs. Frank was left alone in Auschwitz. Reports say that she refused to eat, and died on January 6th, 1945. Mr. Frank, in the men’s camp in Auschwitz, saw Mr. Van Daan taken off to be gassed. Mr. Dussel was sent to Neuengamme, where he died.

6 Mr. Dussel Anne, Margot, & Mrs. Van Daan

7 Mrs. Van Daan died at Bergen-Belson, but no witness marked the date.
After the diary When the SS abandoned Auschwitz, they sent Peter Van Daan on a death march. He was never heard from again. Mrs. Van Daan died at Bergen-Belson, but no witness marked the date. Margot died at the end of February or the beginning of March, Anne died a few days later at the age of 15. Mr. Frank was liberated by the Russians in Auschwitz.

8 After the Annex

9 At Bergen-Belsen, Anne finds her old best friend.
After the diary At Bergen-Belsen, Anne finds her old best friend. In The Diary of Anne Frank, the name "Lies Goosens" appears a number of times. Otto Frank, changed the names of the people in the diary when it was first published. Lies Goosens is the name he chose for one of Anne's closest childhood friends, Hanneli Goslar “It was Anne, and I ran in the direction of the voice, and then I saw her beyond the barbed wire. She was in rags. I saw her emaciated, sunken face in the darkness. Her eyes were very large. We cried and cried for now there was only the bared wire between us, nothing more. And no longer any difference in our fates.” -Lies

10 The Gestapo ransacked the Secret Annex.
The diary The Gestapo ransacked the Secret Annex. “…strewn all over the floor…” Miep Gies found it and kept it safe. “It was a revelation for me. Before my eyes appeared a completely different Anne than the daughter I had lost.” – Otto Frank Miep talks about giving the diary to Otto Frank.

11 Miep died in 2010, at age 100. “I, myself, I'm just a very common person. I simply had no choice. I could foresee many, many sleepless nights and a life filled with regret if I would have refused to help the Franks. And this was not the kind of life I was looking for at all.”


13 The anne frank tree The chestnut tree that Anne could see from the attic window lives on! “Saplings from the chestnut tree that stood as a symbol of hope for Anne Frank as she hid from the Nazis for two years in Amsterdam are being distributed to 11 locations in the United States as part of a project that aims to preserve her legacy and promote tolerance.”

14 “I want to go on living even after my death!” – Anne, pg. 197
Her legacy lives A play version of the diary was put on in Germany in This was one of the first events that “broke the silence”. “I want to go on living even after my death!” – Anne, pg. 197 “Her voice was preserved, out of the millions that were silienced, this voice…has outlasted the shouts of the murders and has soared above the voices of time.” Only known footage of Anne.


16 Miep talks about the day the members of the Annex were discovered.
The arrest Miep talks about the day the members of the Annex were discovered.

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