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Sparta vs Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "Sparta vs Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sparta vs Athens

2 Geography of Greece Climate affected by the Mediterranean Mountainous
Many islands Geography of Greece

3 Discuss with your table groups what you observe in this geographical map of Greece
How might geography have affected ancient Greek development?


5 Similarities between Athens and Sparta

6 The City-State Polis (Poleis) Acropolis
City-State boundaries The Agora was an open area for assemblies (voting) and shopping

7 The City-State Men and women were considered citizens
Citizens served the state; extremely patriotic

8 Political Democratic elements (Athens especially)
Assemblies of citizens would vote on proposals Only men allowed to vote Political

9 Writing and Art

10 Religion Polytheistic Gods represented nature and ideas (life & death)
Cults extremely common Cult = small religious group

11 Differences

12 Sparta Simple, brutal military life
Isolationist (kept out of other Greek’s affairs) Government was an Oligarchy Two kings and council of elders

13 Agoge – Spartan Education
Infant males examined at birth If healthy, allowed to live If unhealthy, left to die/survive Enrolled in agoge at 7 y.o. Lived in groups under experienced male Pledged loyalty to groups Given first item of clothing at 12 y.o. Paired with an older male Spartan at 12 y.o. Made own beds by hand with reeds Intentionally under-fed Made members of Spartan army reserves at 18 y.o. Some joined Crypteia (secret police) to spy on helots Full-fledged members of Spartan army at 20 y.o. Were voted into one of the army companies at 20 y.o. Failure to be unanimously voted into a company = no citizenship Made full citizens at 30 y.o.; allowed to marry and vote

14 Sparta Used slaves to avoid farming and trade
Women far more independent than other city-states

15 Athens Government was a Democracy More opportunities for citizens
Fostered creativity and science Wanted to control and guide other Greek city-states

16 Athens Arts (like theater) were highly prized
Family important (produced new citizens) Women excluded from public life; required male attendant

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